Monday, December 31, 2012

Next on my list

What the whole wide world needs is a couple of fried spam sandwiches.Add your choice of mustard or mayo on white loaf bread add some tater chips and most of the world would be happy and at peace.

This world peace stuff is easy to figure out.Politicians,Kings and Queens can't seem to do it so why not a few fried spam sandwiches.

Works for me.Never have I caused injury or insult to anyone while eating a spam sandwich.My hands are busy stuffing my face and the thought of World War never enters my mind.

Now that I fixed world peace what should be next on my list?

The pond kept us seperated

The mill pond kept us separated.Talking about East Newnan,Georgia.It was a mill village where my formative years where spent.

Moved there in 1962 when I was 10 years old.Most of you have heard of being from the wrong side of the railroad tracks but here it was which side of the mill pond you lived that decided a lot of things.

For some reason the two sides didn't
 socialize much.We all went to the same little school and where friends but that is where it all stopped.

Side I lived on wasn't that great but compared to the other side we where doing good.The other side was Elvis with black leather jackets and combed back slick hair.I lived on the Beatles side of the pond where long hair was common.

Why things where that way  I don't know.Everyone's folks worked in the same cotton mill and as mentioned all the kids went to the same school.

All the kids fished in that pond.Couple of the brave ones even swam in it.Loaded with cotton mouths and trash didn't stop anyone.

This is a picture of me and my folks when we lived there,sometime in the 60's shows the mill smokestack in the background.On summer nights with my bedroom window open I could hear the soft rumble of the mill machinery running and the hypnotizing sound of crickets and bull frogs down at the pond.

Yes that mill pond kept us separated but in a way made sure we where all connected in a strange way.

Just a sign

Looked at my hands
What did I see
Broken up lines
Just a sign I've been here long time

Around my eyes
I did noticed
Crows feet
Just a sign life not got me beat

My hair thin and gray
Say what you want it's ok
Just not that vain
Just a sign my heart can stand the pain

Love not needed

Love not needed
Money either
Just give me a plate of this
My life be pure bliss

Black eyed peas
Collard greens
Big slice of cornbread
You know what I mean

Glass of sweet iced tea
White rice on the side
Homegrown tomato
What a meal should be

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Eat what you can

2012 coming to an end
New Year here soon
Hope your best year ever
For you no gloom and doom

Yes we are getting older
But as they say
We are getting better
Even if a slouch in our shoulders

So on New Years day
Do this old custom
Collards and black eye peas we have
Maybe some potato salad just a dab

Cornbread and pot liker
Please save me some
Banana pudding would be great
Eat what you can rest I'll take

Deviled eggs I like
Make a dozen or so
All that fancy food
Is just a no no

Down home cooking
What we need
Like our Momma's made
Make enough all us you feed

Don't need turkey
No more ham
What I want
Is some fried spam

Safe and happy
All that I did eat
Now time for my nappy

Saturday, December 29, 2012

That little 4 letter word

That little 4 letter word.Secretly we all want it,to hear it spoken.Even the most upright citizen you know thinks about it I bet.You do and so do I.

It makes us happy in our heart.The old folks still remember it and wish for it.

Have you guessed that word yet? What do you think it is? Think hard.You can do it.

The reason I got on this subject I heard someone mention it this morning.It does happen every so often.Just hearing that word brightened up my day.

Have you guessed the word yet? Give in?Well so I don't have to drag this out all day that word is....


Friday, December 28, 2012

$10 salads

WooHoo.Salad day for me.Supper time come on and get here quick.That's the way I keep up with the days of the week by the food I eat.

Now these are those $10 salads I call them.Once in my life I had the pleasure of eating a $10 salad at O'Charleys.It was loaded.Fried chicken fingers,onions,two types of lettuce,pecans,oranges and something I never had before.Crumbled up blue cheese.I fell in love with that blue cheese.

Few years ago  a local hamburger joint had a special on blue cheese burgers.I tried one and was disappointed to put it mildly.Maybe they used a different blue cheese than that salad had.

My mouth waters thinking of that salad.But the one for supper will be just as good I know.Maybe I should go on a diet of salad everyday because I'm putting on pounds easy now in my old age.

Naw! Not going to that extreme.I'd rather be fat and happy than skinny and miserable.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Love and miss you

Happy Birthday Daddy.Love and miss you!

Don't you believe me....

Dang! Just lost what I was writing.It was a masterpiece.....don't you believe me? For your benefit I will start all over.I have nothing better to do.

Listening to Lynrd Skynrd as this is being wrote.The subject is things I like and believe in.

Buttermilk and cornbread.CoColas and moonpies.Grits when ever they are served.Green peanuts,raw peanuts,boiled peanuts,yes I like peanuts.

Blue jeans and white t shirts.Shoes are an option.Old dogs,pickup trucks and old folks.Miss my dogs,cats and Jim,monkey,best friend.

Know God lives. And I respected Momma and Daddy.People who can walk the walk and talk the talk.Someone who can lay down their life for another.I like and respect.

Believe in life after death.Some things scare me.Some things don't.That golden rule.

Women,good country cooking and a great cup of coffee,not necessarily in that order.

I could go on but why.Try putting down in print things you like and believe in.You can learn a lot about yourself.

Daddy's Olds Super 88

This is the view from the windshield of a 1954 Oldsmobile Super 88.My Daddy had one back in the mid 1960's.Black and white with those wide gangster whitewall tires,4 doors and fender skirts.

Can't remember if it had factory AC or not but it did have natural well sorta AC.The back floorboard was rusted out.Riding down the road I would lay in the back seat and with my pockets of my jeans filled with rocks I would drop them through the rusted out floorboard watching them bounce as the road passed by.

Often on the road when Daddy would pass cars(he did have a heavy foot)put it in super Daddy I would say.On the steering column it was marked R D N 1 2 S for super,the passing gear.

Times where different then.No seat belts,steel dashes,and it was common for kids to stand up in the seats and ride or lay down on the rear shelf at the back window and sleep while on a trip

When Daddy got his 1960 Dodge(the car I learned to drive with) 4 door baby blue in color with push button  transmission he kept the Olds.I was about 14 at the time and one day I made the mistake of swiping the keys of the Olds.The backyard driveway was gravel and I was digging it up in the Olds till I woke Daddy up who worked the 3rd shift at the time.It was an memorable day for me because I got my last whipping I remember that time,outside in full view of the neighbors.

Yep back then cars where special,the times where special and I sure wish I had Daddy's 1954 Oldsmobile Super 88.

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Georgia winters day

On a Georgia winters day
Wind is blowing
Sky is gray
The pines do sway

Wishing and dreaming

Every Christmas Eve for years I would think to myself about how great it could be if Santy could find it in his heart to bring me a spanking new Ford F150.

Silly me would wake up Christmas morn rush to the window wishing in the driveway there it would be.

Guess what?

It hasn't happened yet in all these years of wishing and dreaming.I think a new plan is needed.From now on on Christmas Eve I'm going to start,wishing and dreaming for a spanking new maroon hemi Dodge pickup truck.

Maybe I just been wishing and dreaming in the wrong direction.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Christmas Day
Santa found his way
Through all this fog
I left him egg nog

Rudolph was fine
Guiding the sled
Now Santa and the crew
Can go to bed

To one and all
I must say
From my heart
Merry Christmas enjoy the day

Monday, December 24, 2012

Uncle Bobby

Bobby Smith
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Mr. Bobby Smith, 83, of LaGrange passed away Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at his home.
Mr. Smith was born August 17, 1929 in Randolph County, son of the John T. and Martha L. Whitley Smith. He retired form the Tredegar (formerly Visqueen) in 1993. He was a veteran of the United States Navy and served in the Korean War on the USS Albany. He also was an active member of the Elm City Lodge Mason, Parker F & AM # 142, Shriners Yarrab Temple of Atlanta, and the VFW Post #4629.
Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Pamela and Steven Dial, of Roswell, a daughter, Alicia Smith, of Villa Rica; a sister, Lema Flournoy, of LaGrange; sisters-in law, Evelyn Grizzard and Alice Bell; , both of LaGrange; a brother-in-law, Frank Reese and his wife Mary, also of LaGrange; and a large extended family of many nieces, nephews, and cousins. He was preceded in death by his wife of 54 years, Betty Ann Smith; sisters, Ada Haynes and Pauline Smith; brothers, Walter Smith, William Smith, Arnold Smith, Howard Smith, and Eugene Smith.
Funeral services will be at 2:00 Saturday at Shadowlawn Cemeter. The family will receive friends at 12:00 PM Saturday at Hunter-Allen-Myhand Funeral Home. Following the graveside service, the family will be at the home of Mr. Smith at 234 East Lane Circle. Flowers will be accepted.
Condolences may be expressed at

Read more: LaGrange News - Bobby Smith 

Southern snow

A Southern snow
This what you need to know
First thing you do
Go to the stoe

Buy milk and bread
For those days ahead
That's all you'll need
Everyone you can feed

Don't try to drive
The way we do it
Will give you hives
You'll be risking lives

Just stay home
You won't be alone
It will be so much fun
Just you and your hun

Life sinking in

I woke up sad this morning.Can't say exactly why.Maybe it's the holidays.Like Daddy always said glad to see Christmas come glad to see Christmas go.Me also.

2012 seen a lot of changes for me.99.9% of the time I'm upbeat which is a whole lot better than what the past was for me.

Most of the time I'm just numb to things around me.Bad things take awhile to sink in.Maybe that is what's wrong,life is sinking in.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Just a ploy

Bake some biscuits
Fry some strick o lean
How bout some taters
Slice up a red ripe mater

Don't worry about cholesterol
Never mine your heart
Getting hungry I do bet
Don't you fret

Dozen eggs fried
Shredded cheese in your grits
Hot coffee in a mug
Nothing did I forget

It's Christmas time
Live a little
Worrying is just a ploy
To take away your joy

Just maybe

Just how cold was it?Well my grits wouldn't melt the butter this morning.That is cold believe me for this neck of the woods.Temperature was 26 degrees when I woke up.

I know what some of you are saying 26 shoot that's a heat wave here but you have to remember I'm a born and bred Georgia Boy and not use to cold weather.If the temp drops below 60 turn the heat on and where is my coat.

Talking with other old fellas like me we reminisce about days of old and how things where once.Sooner of later the topic of weather will come up.We talk of days as kids seeing ice sickles hanging from the roof of the house.Don't remember seeing those in a while.Talk always gets around to how the weather has changed.

Might be something to that global warming thing.Past few years winters have sure been mild down here in Dixie.

Just between me you and the fence post I would dearly love seeing some snow.It's cold enough,rain is on the way,do you think just maybe......

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Know any vampires?

Do you know any vampires? Not the blood sucking kind but vampires that by just walking into a room can suck the life out of you with their drama,gloominess,and stinky attitude.

In my life I have met a few.They can take any situation and ruin it for others.All they do is gripe and complain nothing is ever good enough for these vampires.They find fault and blame with everyone not realizing it just might be them that is the problem.

Help us all we are surrounded !

Monday, December 17, 2012

Tears from Heaven

Tears from Heaven
Friday they fell
Only God can understand
Why on Earth so much Hell

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Careful what you call me

Careful what you call me.You could be one also.Momma always said some people have to cut you down to make themself look bigger.

Words are so cheap.Take the word redneck.The word has many orgins.From the hills of West Virgina where striking miners wore red bandannas around their neck to moonshiners in Pennsylvania wearing red bandannas to protest the Government's infringement on their rights.Down in Dixie where hard working farmers out in the blazing hot sun growing food for their families.

Redneck.I have been called one.Not for all those things mentioned above but because of the way I talk,act,dress.Now it's a word you use for anyone you don't like and look down on.Someone who you think is not as good and moral as you think you are.

So the moral of this story is judge not least ye be judged.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

If I die today

If I die today
Don't mourn for me
Think of it as a homecoming
With my friends and family

If I die today
Don't be sad
Just be happy
For the life I had

If I die today
Don't you cry
It's something we all must do
That thing is to die

If I die today
I want you to know
Nothing will change
My love for you will continue to grow

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Kept my promise

Looking at people I wonder what is really going on in their mind.I see and hear things that bother me.People in pain and misery crying out for help.

My Momma was one.For years she was in mental anguish.She had what's called dementia.For over 7 years I watched her slip away from the real world.I hated when the sun would set.There is a thing called sun downing that people with dementia suffer from.They become agitated,restless and can be violent.There where times she would not sleep for what seemed like days.I was so tired.

I will say the only person to help was my Aunt Lema.She would stay over sometimes just so I could sleep a little bit.She would come over everyday and help Momma in the shower.I could do everything else but that part I just did not feel comfortable doing.I say to the world Aunt Lema thank you.

Momma would cry at night for her Momma and Papa.She was a little girl again.She didn't even remember who I was anymore.I was just that man to her.

Then that day came.I guess she just forgot how to swallow.I just broke down because I knew that was the end.

A week in the hospital then off to hospice.She lingered on 3 weeks.Staying at her side only leaving to change clothes and shower. Sunday,July 23,2003 about 6 pm while holding her hand with my head laying on her bed I felt Momma squeeze my hand as if she knew it was me and took her last breath

I had promised myself I would keep Momma home.That I did.For all those years I was her caregiver.I have said before doing that might be the only decent thing in my life I ever did.I had kept my promise.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Little red wagon

Standing Rock,Alabama Christmas morning 1956.I was 4 years old and woke up sitting in my little red wagon where Daddy had sat me.

I always wanted one Daddy said over and over.Guess he got one and was reliving his childhood through me.

Coming up they where so poor.Look up at the ceiling of their bedroom and see the stars,look down at the floor and watch the chickens under the house.

For Daddy Christmas was oranges,apples and if lucky those chocolate candy drops.He said they would eat the fruit but save the peelings for later.

Just ain't Christmas without my Daddy around.1991 Christmas morning Daddy went to the hospital for the last time.

Merry Christmas Daddy.Love and miss you !

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Keep your hands to yourself

This just ain't right.Lately I've been watching a lot of football on TV.Something bothers me.I have noticed watching pro games,college,and high school football there is a new troubling trend.

When a player does something good or outstanding play this happens.They all start skipping around ..little girls.Maybe it's just me but that just don't seem right.

Sure they are happy and excited but skipping around like little 6 year old girls playing hop scotch? I always thought that fad of a few years ago of how do I put this....behind slapping well was a little to much.Keep your hands to yourself is the new rule of this century.

Now while I have done got myself in trouble with football players(come on now it's all in jest) I might as well insult the fans of football.

Every other sport that is played outside,baseball,golf,soccer and Nascar,on and on,when it rains or starts snowing or the ground is froze solid they STOP THE GAME!

Not football and what gets me are the fans they will sit out in that weather and won't budge.

Ok I know the bounds have been over stepped I'm sorry but again it's just something I have noticed.

In closing I have only one things to say.Go Falcons! If the Falcons win on Sunday Pappa Johns pizza orders are half price on Monday.

And I bet you thought I wasn't a football fan.

Super nice Ladies

As I sit here writing this ok laying in bed writing this I'm counting my blessings.It has been a good week.Let me touch on some of the highlights.

One evening this week I was watching TV and someone came up behind me and asked(are you hungry).now there is always room for something to eat that is tasty.Sure I said,starving.

A few moments later this special person brought me a cup of homemade deer chili made from the deer she had shot herself.I say nothing like a woman who can gather the food then bring it home and cook it.It was as Goldilocks said just right.Not to hot,not to spicy just right.

Friday a super nice Lady surprised me with a large cup of that wonderful McDonald's coffee.

Now this evening,again as I watched TV someone sat down beside me and said(I made deviled eggs do you want some).You know my answer,sure thank you please yes I would love some.

A few days ago this super nice Lady asked was there anything I needed.Half way kidding I said yes,4 Krystals,2 corndogs and 2 chili pups and a large fry would be nice.To my surprise she said I'm on the way would there be anything else?Oh my it was hard to turn it down but I said just kidding.I would dearly love those Krystals but the last time I had them my sugar went sky high.

To all those super nice Ladies,my friends, thank you so much.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Smoking rabbit tobacco and zip guns

Smoking rabbit tobacco and zip guns.Here goes another childhood tale that's true.There was always a gang of us kids who played together on Juniper Street .Back  then kids went out side and played without worry

Always there were older kids who knew how to do the finer things kids do.Things like making acorn pipes and smoking rabbit tobacco in them.Those large acorns that would leave a knot on your head if they hit you when falling out of the Oak tree.Bore the acorn out till it was just a shell,small hole in the side,insert a hollow piece of straw and you had a working pipe.All needed now was rabbit tobacco which you could find plenty of in the woods.Lot of kids learned how to smoke that way.

Now zip guns.Cut out a pistol from thrown away wood,add strips of rubber from an old bike inner tube,the rest I will keep secret in case impressionable minds are reading.But they did work.Luckily only berries from a China Berry tree were used as ammo.

China Berries made good ammo for homemade sling shots also.Find a Y shape stick,again bike inner tube,the patch off your Levi jeans and you have your self a fine little weapon for those sling shot fights.

About the most stupid thing I remember doing is making our own gas like helium,take a large small neck glass jug,cut strips of tin foil,add Red Devil lye and use it to inflate balloons.They fly just like you had used helium.

It's a wonder most of those Juniper Street kids made it to adulthood.

Who cried the most

7 years old and I wanted to be a big boy and go to summer camp for 2 weeks.Not really, the real reason was my best friend Paul and his brother where going so thought I would tag along.Camp Viola in Mountville,Ga the oldest settlement in Troup County according to the sign.

I should have know better.Never had I been away from my folks before.They left me on the steps of the court house with all those other kids waiting on the bus to take us to the camp.

It was cool and fun sleeping in that big long barrack type building with open screened in windows.One side for boys the other for girls.Till this day I remember that musty smell of wet bathing suits and the smell of Colgate toothpaste and Dial soap.

There where games and hikes and lots of things to keep you busy but after a few days the new wore off and I had my first taste of being homesick.

I didn't know it at the time but my folks must have missed me also because they came to visit me but were told it would only make being homesick worst so I didn't find out about their visit till it was all over.

I did get over being homesick and enjoyed my 2 week stay.But I promised myself never would I leave my folks again.

On the bus bringing us back to where we got on it,the court house steps,there was my Daddy waiting.Who cried the most with joy being reunited was a toss up.

Confused and hurt

I'm confused and maybe a little bit hurt.As most of you might know I have a neuro muscular problem.Long story short I can't walk anymore.It is called Spinal Muscular Atrophy type3 or by another name it's called Kugleberg Welander Syndrome.It's inherited and I have had it all my life.It is a slow progression disease.Enough said about all that.

Now this is the confused and hurt part.People keep saying if I had enough faith God will heal me.Faith I have and I wish people would quit questioning my faith.I don't think God has a plan to heal or cure everyone.Maybe he has a plan for my life just the way I am.I'm perfectly ok with my situation,not mad,angry or full of self pity.Don't get me wrong I do wish things had turned out different.But they didn't so I deal with it.

I just get hurt when people say God will heal me that I know he can do but if not it doesn't mean I'm of little faith.

Maybe I'm wrong but this is the way I see things.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Some called Him a rebel

Someone just asked me if I was a Christian.The answer was a definite yes Mam.Twice this has happened lately.Makes me think.What does a Christian look like?Well maybe I'm being a bit oversensitive about this.But the honest answer is maybe I don't conform to what some call Christian.Maybe my hair gets a little long at times.I do have hair on my face.Kidding and teasing is one of my favorite things to do.I like listening to that old rock n roll music.So maybe I'm not the suit wearing clean cut man sitting on the front row at church every Sunday.

But you know what?I am a follower of Jesus Christ.In my heart I know He died for my sins and was resurrected from the grave.

A little story I read once.A man who Himself didn't conform to the look,talk or actions of others.Some called Him a rebel.

That man is Jesus Christ my Savior.

Sophie Mae

I got a hankering this morning for some Sophie Mae peanut brittle.Family Dollar use to sell it for buck a box.Oh so yummy one of my favorite snacks.

I tried my hand at making homemade peanut brittle once.Momma got a microwave oven for Christmas years ago and it had this microwave cookbook that came along with it.

Shelled peanuts,salt and Cario syrup was all you needed.I had that and I tried my hand at making it.Well putting it mildly that stuff was so hard it was uneatable.Lesson learned if you want peanut brittle it's best just buying it already made.

I tried making fudge once.Another favorite of mine.What I did wrong is a mystery.That stuff would not get hard.I tried putting it in the fridge and still it was like chocolate soup.

So some things like beans and cornbread and fried taters I can cook.But at times it's just best letting someone who knows what they are doing to fix the snacks.

If this sounds like a hint you might be right.Sophie Mae peanut brittle at Family Dollar,ask if you need my address.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

No challenge was unthinkable

Shhhh! don't tell.It will be our little secret.Don't laugh ok.I have always had this dream or fantasy about space travel.When I was a kid at night turning the radio on to a static station pretending it was the roar of a rocket ship.I would drift off thinking how great it would be having my own little space craft that I could travel the know universe with.

I am a child of the space age.By this time my generation was to have flying cars like George Jetson.Launching space rockets off from Cape Canaveral was a big deal to people my age.

To this very day those old space movies of the 50's and 60's are sorta like comfort food to me.They bring pleasure and almost bring that bright eyed innocence back into my life.A time when things where possible no challenge was unthinkable.

For the life of me

Town square in my hometown of LaGrange,Georgia.The fountain has been there for long as I can remember.Years ago in the 1920's or 30's this was the sight of the courthouse that burned down.

As a kid it was a favorite sight of mine to ride by at night.Back then it had different colors of light bulbs built into the fountain and the spraying water would change color.

Back in the 1970's the city spent a reported million dollars to square the square.LaGrange College donated the statute of General Lafayette which now sits in the fountain.He was a French general who during the revolutionary war sided with the states and was rumored to have passed near LaGrange one time.This town was named after his chateau in France.

So a little more history of my hometown.But for me I sure enjoyed the colored lights in the fountain better.

For the life of me I can't remember ever stepping foot on the fountain grounds.

Rumor has it

Callaway Clock Tower in LaGrange,Georgia.I have always lived insight of this memorial most of my life.Employees of Callaway mills donated money for this in honor of the man who started Callaway mills.I have heard that the donations where taken out of employees checks whether they wanted to donate or not.

The tower has a clock on each side.For years they were not running but last time I noticed they were keeping time.The tower is located on the highest point I think in the city limits of LaGrange on a large sloping hill.The view from the top of the hill is beautiful,least to me.

On those rare winter days when it snowed the hill was a place where people slid down the slopes on pasteboard boxes.I even partaked in that a few times.

Rumor has it that on Halloween night witches gather in the tall bushes that surround the tower.Might be so I don't know but the police took it serious and at one time years ago where investigating.

So just another little snippet of LaGrange,Georgia where I call home.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Not true friends

Everyone loves a winner.But let that winner make a few slips and where do his friends go?Way life is I reckon.Not everyone will stick with you through the rough times but when all is going good they are there.

Take the Braves baseball team.Years ago when they where playing so bad only a handful of die hard loyal fans would show up for their home games.Milo Hamilton on air announcer for Braves baseball lost his job when he scolded fans for not supporting the Braves when things where going poorly.He was only telling the truth in my book.For the past few years the Braves have been extra good and now everyone claims to be fans from day one.I use this as an example.

Life is like that also.But get old,a little feeble or sick poof where do people run and scatter to?You know we are better off without those types anyway.They are not true friends.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Made my night

I almost got the Christmas spirit last night.Watching the LaGrange Christmas parade on TV it was so so really kinda boring.

Then it happen.I seen the funniest thing.There was a local karate class of kids in the parade marching.A demonstration of karate or kung fu something was gave by two little kids who look to be around 5 years old or that bouts.

Now these little fellas where getting into this kung fu stuff.One of them really got carried away or maybe just mad.He was really bopping the other kid's head and doing those high kicks,twirling and spinning like Bruce Lee.For about a minute it got out of control and the grownup walking in the parade with them had to break it up.

I know.My sense of humor can be on the dark side but it made my night.

Don't want to go back there

Them good old days.Where they really all that good or was it we didn't have anything else to compare with it? Someone was talking about their water well not working like it should this morning.That started a conversation about way things use to be.

Going to the well drawing water.Outhouses out back.Chopping fire wood.Burning coal in the fire place,splinters in your feet from those rough wood porches.

Guess I'm getting sissified or just lazy but I like these modern things.Flip a switch and you get cool air or toasty warm heat..Popping your popcorn in a microwave.TV and computers.Going to the grocery store when you need bacon and such and not having to do the dirty deed of slaughtering the animal for that bacon.Coffee in a Mr Coffee on and on.

Yes those days are just nice to talk about but me for one don't want to go back there.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gets into your blood

Just give me an old Heathkit HW 16 and a shiny copper 80 meter dipole .Thrown in a Brown Brothers straight key.A handful of crystals.Give me a rainy cold winters night and I could have some fun.

I built one of these radio in the 1970's.Drove to the Heathkit store in Sandy Springs Ga. one Saturday and got the last one they had in stock.

I was in a rush and built the radio in one night.A week project the manual said.Needless to say a few problems where had.Mostly cold solder joints.

My amateur radio call sign is WA4PFG.Since 1976 that was who I was known as on the radio.This was the days before personal computers and cell phones.Back in the dark ages.

Many a Friday night I would rush home from work to play on the radio.Using that dit dah morse code talking with people around the globe was easy.

I don't ham very much these days but like the old saying it gets into your blood.Once a ham always a ham.Long as I don't forget to renew my license every 10 years guess always I will be one.

Giving up their ghost

The trees are giving up their ghost.Leaves almost gone.Things they once hid are now in plain view.From the big window I can see houses across the street.

I keep watching for deer in the woods but so far none have been seen.Hawks and crows are plentiful.Thank goodness for the green pines.Swaying in the wind like giant hands waving at me.

I think the leaves off the trees giving up things they once hid is like our lives.Things we try to hide are always brought into full view sooner or later.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Don't be shy

Hi.What cha doing?I can't sleep.Talk to me for a while.Tell me how your day was.Good,bad or just indifferent?

You do know you can talk to me by using the comment section below each post.It would be a thrill just hearing from you Dear person.Let me know what's on your mind really I'm all ears,literally here.

You could tell me what you think of this silly little blog,just be honest I'm a big boy ,getting bigger everyday  seems I have my appetite back.For awhile food just didn't interest me but now I'm eating my fair share.

Love to know who you are and what's going on in your life.

Don't be shy now!

Mystery solved

Sausage biscuit,scrambled eggs,grits,coffee and OJ for breakfast.Dinner(lunch)BBQ sandwich and with fries,iced sweet tea and coffee.Snack of Cheetos.Meatloaf,collards,cornbread,mac&cheese,potato salad with coffee for supper..

Let me think here for a few seconds.I just might be on to something.

Think I solved the mystery of why my blue jeans feel so much tighter.

Just here to help ya

Being a born and bred Southern Gentleman I find it my civic duty to help others,those from north of Hogansville,Georgia,Yankee territory,to learn to speak proper English.

At times they can't understand what I'm talking about and vicer versa.Today we shall start with the basics.

Let's get this eating thing down pat first ok.There are 3 meals in a 24 hour period.Breakfast,dinner and supper.Dinner equals lunch to those of you north of Hogansville and supper is the night time meal not dinner.Next let's just go ahead and get this outta way quick.That 4 legged,fuzzy thing with a wagging tail and goes bow wow ain't no dog.Repeat after me it's a DAWG and the longer you can draw it out the better.

Next we move along to the most common things you should learn to be understood and to understand.That thing you sit in is not a chair it's a cheer.Example,ain't cha tared sit in the cheer for a bit.Then theres winder you know that thing made of glass that most houses have you look out at.Now we get fancy with details.That thing you lay your head on at night down here in Georgia is called a piller not pillow.Simple huh,your'e doing great so far.Ok to keep things short so you don't lose concentration our last word of the day is fanger.Northerners called or mispronounce it as finger.

Ok that should do it for today.See it ain't hard to properly speak English all you have to do is just try hard and study and in no time you will be speaking Georgian like ya was born here.

What I want !

I don't want a girlfriend.I don't want a wife.What I do want is another good dog.Like that country song said Wish She Loved Me Like My Dog Does.A good dog like Missy pictured here.I miss her just as much as I miss anyone.

There have been several dogs in my life.There was Lassie my first dog Uncle Lavert found for me when I was just a little boy.My protector he was.Yes Lassie was a male but I called him Lassie after the TV program.

Prissy and Bouncer I always had a dog around me it seems.Puppies,nothing compares with them except maybe a kitten or little human baby.They are so precious.

Yep just give me a loving dog to keep me company on this journey through life.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Freddy,Mike and Frankie dropped by

My cousins came by awhile back.Freddy,Mike and Frankie.It sure was good seeing them again.We took a little road trip us four.

I do remember we went to a club of some sorts.What and where it was kinda foggy to me.Best I can remember we where headed to Florida.In all honesty I can't say if we made it or not.I remember something about a hotel room and one of them saying he wanted the giant screen TV on the wall.I kinda remember something about going to a cafe and eating but what I had can't remember.

Guess this would be a good time to fill you in a bit about my cousins.Freddy died of a heart attack when he was about 45.Frankie ,my age died when he was 45 also in a motorcycle accident.Mike was 60 when he died of cancer just a few years ago.I'm now 60.

Yes it was just a dream but it sure was good seeing my cousins again.Come around anytime,we will take another trip.

Getting spooky

This is getting spooky.I wonder what in the world is going on.People keep seeing me places where I ain't.This has been going on all my life.People will swear they see me and honest it wasn't me.

I'm starting to question my sanity.Recently someone said they seen me walking out the door.Well wish it had been me(I'm in a wheelchair)looked just like you they said.

I first noticed this when as a kid people would say seen you at so and so but it wasn't me.It never bothered me till lately and I got to thinking.

A little secret I will share with you.When I was a little boy at night before falling to sleep I could for lack of a better word sorta float around the room if I wanted.If I thought about it I could do it easy.If remembering right this weird feeling would come over me like a vibration all over my body and my ears would start ringing and like I said float above the bed.

I had forgot about that till recently.I know about OBE out of body experiences.Was that what happened to me when I was a little boy?Is that going on now without me trying?I have no memory of it if the later is true.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Huggy kissy type

Not the huggy kissy type.That describes my family on both sides.Saying I love you by my parents was never heard.Guess it was just something I knew that didn't have to be said.

Maybe that is why I have been so stand offish in my life.But most folks know when I like them.If I kid and tease you well that is a sign you're ok in my book.Now if I avoid and ignore you like the purple plague that a good sign that you are not one of my favorite people walking this earth.

The Bible tells me to love all.That I do but as Aunt Pauline said there are some she didn't like.I agree.

I can honestly say none are hated.I just prefer not being around a few folks.


Kudzu.That green vine that will take over the land covering everything in it's sight.Imported from Japan way back when it's purpose was to stop soil erosion.

My Uncle Leon back years ago worked on the CC planting that stuff.I have seen it cover houses,barns,old cars anything that gets in its way.

Most folks now will try anything to rid their property of it.One way,if this is true or not I don't know is to turn hogs loose on it.They will eat roots and all.Try burning kudzu.That don't work it will just come back.

Rumor is kudzu will repel snakes.History I heard is, now this could be made up, during the war of Yankee aggression,the South planned unleashing this terror on to the Northern landscape.

Who really knows.All I can say is,kudzu,about as Southern you can get.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Never learn

Pit cooked BBQ.Pig in the ground.Sure sounds good on this cold fall afternoon.With some good Brunswick stew don't get much better than that.

I have heard that pigs are really intelligent.Smarter than dogs,cats and lot more than a horse.And what do we do? We eat them.Bacon and sausage that honey baked ham on Christmas.On and on.

Even the Bible tells us not to eat the pig.Unclean animal.Jesus cast out demons from a man and caused them to enter pigs who then run off a cliff killing them self

Seems we will never learn.

The urge

I have something to say.What is unknown at the moment.At times something just comes over me and I have this need ,urge or whatever you call it to put something down in words.

Almost like being thirsty and you need that drink of cool water.Or being hungry and what you eat doesn't satisfy.It's not enough what you have wrote.There is a hunger for something better.

I have that need now but what it is I have no idea.It's gnawing at me like a rat chewing it's leg off that is caught in a trap.

Ask and you shall receive

Not to proud to beg for food.It started Tuesday.Half way kidding I started asking people who where going to cook Thanksgiving dinner for some deviled eggs.I got a couple of takers and promise of more to come.

Clean out the fridge cause it's going to be loaded down with those delicious tasty snacking deviled eggs.Also I have been asking for homemade chili.Chances are pretty good I think that will happen soon.

Don't worry I'm not being hoggish cause my plan is to share.If you know anyone who knows how to make a congealed salad let them contact me.That is another Southern delicacy we folks have on holidays down here.I'm also partial to red velvet cake.

Ask and you shall receive is my motto.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Page 10

Live and let let someone said.That's what I'll do with the Jones boys.Somebody will tire of their foolishness and take care of them.

Why ruin my life this life I want here on the mountain with Buddy and Freda doing what I want when I want.Up here I only take orders from God the all mighty.

And far as that war that is going on it's none of my doing.No sign of a war up on this mountain.

I will just live out my life the way I see fit not what some flatlander know it all who doesn't do as he preaches tries to tell me.

Now if you want a war with me that is how you start it.Just try telling me how to live my life.

Yes winter of 1860 is good  for me.Think I'll sit in my rocker by the fire with Buddy and Freda and have a smoke from my pipe and sip on some of that sour mash.

Life as I want it.

Page 9

Whew.Long night and that's putting it mildly.Don't think I slept anymore after those shots where fired at the cabin.A long night on the cold floor for me.

Sun is up and got a fire going coffee is in the pot brewing and Buddy and Freda have been fed.In a few minutes I'm going out and see if any tale tail signs of last nights shooters can be seen.

Fresh snow is covering the ground so any tracks will be easy to see.No trouble was taken in hiding their tracks.Guess they figured I was a dead man and no need in covering them.

Three men's tracks I see leading about a 100 yards off to where they tied their horses.Shells from their rifles I found easy.

Now let's think this over fer a bit.Three men on horseback,shooting at me,in the dark like little rotten scoundrel cowards now who fits that scene?

Those fool Jones brothers.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Page 8


Three shots just ranged out coming through the side of the cabin.Rolling out of my bunk hitting the floor hard I grabbed my rifle.

What was that all about raced through my head.Only the light from the dying fireplace lit the room and I could hear Buddy and Freda barking and growling but could only see outlines of them in the dim light.Hope they are ok,sounds like it though.

It had to be middle of the night my guess would be around 3 am.Laying still I could hear nothing outside the only sound heard was the beating of my racing heart and the hounds with their muffled growls.

No way I'm opening the door this time of night not being able to see who is out there.Someone was trying to kill me and by the grace of God they missed.

I am just fine here on the floor till morning.Then I would do some investigating.

Sunrise sure is taking it's time today.

Page 7

Good to be back at the cabin.Put on a big pot of soup in the old black pot.It's simmering and will be ready soon.Cornbread flitters will finish out supper.Nothing better than food cooked in a fireplace is there.

It's cold tonight outside but toasty in here.Sun is setting,a brilliant orange fills the twilight sky.Buddy and Freda are at their post in front of the fire waiting on their supper.

As said earlier my name is Pete.Just Pete.Never knew my folks I  was raised by strangers who would just take me in cause there was no where else for a boy to go.Guess if a last name was needed I would just pick the name of one of the families who raised me.So just call me Pete.

Rocking in my chair with my pipe in front of the fire sipping on a jug of that sour mash.Good to be alive in this winter of 1860.

You may wonder if I get lonely with no human contact.I can answer honestly no.Get all I need when trading with the flatlanders in town.I see them rush around from hither to yonder worrying about this and that.No way for a man to live in my book.

This war thing going on.I must read my Bible and see what Jesus said about wars and such.Yep that what I will do while soup simmering.

Page 6

After my encounter with the Jones boys I'm just glad to be sitting here under a pine tree smoking my pipe.Buddy and Freda must sense something had been going on cause they are sticking close to me.The Jones boys are no big concern.If push comes to shove I'll do whats necessary with them varmints.

God sure knew what he was doing when He made this old pitiful world.A more beautiful day could not be had.Not a cloud in the deep blue sky,no snow falling,just the wind gently whispering through the pine trees the only sound heard.

Leaning back against the tree smoking my pipe with hounds by my side I think what else does a man need in this world.Least of things I need is to go fight in a war which is no concern of mine.No one has done anything to me except maybe those fool Jones brothers but they are just a pest that all.

I have a rule to live by.Don't mess with me,I won't mess with you.

Page 5

Well the tracks where easy to follow.It's the Jones brothers on horseback.Three of the sorriest low down thieving not fit to kill rats the world has ever known.Their Momma should have done the world a favor and pinched the heads off them boys when they where youngins.

What do they want I ponder.Pete they said(that's my name)we come to inform you that the war has started.Seems shots have been fired at Fort Sumter in South Carolina and the war is on.

We are the homeguard of this county and you have been inducted into the army of the Confederacy.If you don't come along peacefully ,well we gonna take ya.

For a second those words rung in my ears.GONNA TAKE YOU!That was all it took.I raised my Winchester and pulled on the trigger stopping just in time.

Now I'm a lot of things.Some bad some good but of all the animals I hunted and killed never had I took the life of another human.Even these Jones brothers didn't deserve to die today even though killing them would have been better for us all.

With my rifle point blank pointed at them I convinced them it be best to mozzie on back to town and leave me be.

They where persuaded but I knew that wasn't going to be the end of the matter.

Page 4

Mountain man is what I am.That is my choice.Just me my hounds and nature is all I want.Living on this mountain gives me the freedom those flatlanders can only dream about.

Hunting and trapping is how I make my living.Selling what skins not used for my self to those in the town.Self reliant is the only way to live.Not needing anyone except my common sense and the help and blessing from the almighty God above.

The flatlanders are going to start them self a war.As mentioned before there is talk of succeeding from the Union.North against South.I'm Georgian born and bred but I will chose not to partake in their war.This mountain is where I will fight my war just surviving.

Let the flatlanders and their own figure out this war that coming.

My biggest problem of the moment is getting the door of the cabin open.It snowed hard and deep last night and it's blocked by drifting snow.

Time for Buddy,Freda and me to get going.I seen tracks while out hunting yesterday.The most dangerous type of animal.Human.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Page 3

Turkey and trimmings.It was good and enjoyed by Buddy,Freda and me.

Snowed again last night.Just a good day staying inside.Plenty of firewood stacked up in the corner and food more than we can eat.Only reason for opening the door is for Buddy and Freda to get some fresh air you know.

Just sitting here in my rocker with my pipe watching the snow covered land out the window.We had good luck during the fall trapping season and enough was made to stock us up on vittles for the cold times ahead.Even enough was made for a few jugs of sour mash.Good for the spirit and taking the chill off these winter nights.

My prize possession is a repeating Winchester rifle.It is a 45 caliber and will take down any marauding wild animal such as bear or some wild human bent on mischief.The repeater and my Bowie knife are the tools of my trade.

Trapper,hunter mountain man.

Page 2

We made it back Buddy,Freda and me.Good luck also was with us.A big gobbler was seen and dispatched.Thanksgiving we eat high on the hog so to speak,Rabbits and squirrels are plentiful here on the mountain but turkey will be a treat.

The sun has set and the wind still howls.A cold night lays ahead for us.The little one room cabin heats up fast from the roaring fireplace.We three are all around the fire.Buddy and Freda are curled up on the floor eyes open almost like the fire has them in a trance.That is easy to do,I feel the heat myself and the warmth and blaze and curling smoke up the chimney almost put me into a trance also.

No one makes a sound.Maybe all three of us are giving thanks for the good day and the turkey,

Thanksgiving we eat good.

Page 1

Big snowfall last night.Least 3 foot on the ground.Really cold and the wind is howling.Soon as I get the fire started and some coffee made think I go out with my hounds Buddy and Freda and try tracking some rabbits for Thanksgiving.

Rabbits or squirrels cause no turkeys have been seen lately.Life is not easy here up on the mountain.Days are short and nights long.My only companions are Buddy and Freda.They are good listeners but not much on conversation.

I see the sun peaking through the pines.It's blazing yellow orange and maybe it will take a little of the chill off.This year is almost gone soon it will be 1860.I heard from a flatlander that there is trouble brewing.Something about politics best I could gather.Seems those Northerners are imposing things on the South that some don't like.There is talk of succeeding from the Union and that will most likely lead to no good.

It don't concern me.That is why I'm up in the mountains to get away from those petty problems they have down there.Me, Buddy and Freda that is my world.

Ok coffee is brewed my bearskin coat and hat feel warm in the cabin with the roaring fireplace so I'm off for a day of hunting and exploring.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Things I've learned the hard way

Don't pick up a hot lawn mower muffler.
Don't swallow your Bull of the Wood chewing backy on a hot summer day.
Women don't think like men.
Your tongue will stick to ice.
Sliding off a barn on your belly hurts.
Watch out for clothes lines when riding your bike.
Never sass your Momma.
Eating a bag of butter scotch candy in one sitting don't work.
Don't go hunting with a drunk man.
Not everyone should be trusted.
You can over do a good thing.
Hot grits stick to roof of your mouth.
Don't spin around 10 times then blow hard on your thumb.
Don't fall into a dye pond.
Snakes like swimming holes.
BB gun shootouts hurt.
You can't fly.

Small Coke with ice

Small coke in bottle with ice.Brown's on the corner of Fourth Avenue and Juniper street here in LaGrange back when I was a kid is where you could find them.

On those hot summer days when the pavement would scorch your bare feet if you didn't keep moving.

Open the door on your left stood the old fashioned Coke ice box.Open it up and that box filled with ice and melted ice water that would freeze your hand if left in it to long.

                                                       Nothing was more cooling in the days before AC than that except maybe that burst of cold air you got when opening the ice cream freezer.

Years ago when Coke messed up and change the old flavor(or was that a brilliant marketing ploy)a spokesman for them said there was no difference in a small coke and the larger bottles.But everyone knows the small bottle Cokes tasted stronger and better.

So Coke brought out Classic coke.The old flavor and the world was once again good and happy.

Right now a Coke with ice inside from Brown's on the corner sure would be nice.Maybe add a bag of salty Tom's peanuts along with it.Don't get much better than that.

Monday, November 19, 2012


One of the best friends I ever had or could want.


Part Siberian Husky&Norwegian Elk Hound.

Sad us humans can't be as loyal,loving,caring,forgiving as these things are.

And we call them the animals.


Maybe this would help.UFO landing on the grounds of the White House.Least it would stop all this bickering about politics for awhile maybe.Maybe it would takes our minds off the budding war that seems likely in the Middle East.Maybe it would ease the fears people have of losing their homes and jobs and not being able to feed their family.Maybe take Christmas shopping and the stress it causes people away for awhile and maybe focus on the real reason for the season.Maybe an UFO landing would brings us humans back together.Maybe for awhile people would not see color of skin,accent,rich,poor nationality or religion as a way to persecute their brothers and sisters.Maybe for a short time everyone would be working for the same common cause.


Puts me to sleep

Youtube is great.I use it for listening to music watching movies etc.For the past couple of nights I have been listening to those relaxation videos people have posted.

Audio of rainfall,thunderstorms and such.There are some that are suppose to heal or improve things in your life also.Some to help you concentrate,study,focus better you get the idea.

Now there are some that are to help you sleep.Sometimes I have a hard time falling asleep because there is so much running through my brain.So for the past few nights I have been listening to one of these things.It's 10 hours of a continuous tone that doesn't change.I put on my headphones close my eyes and.......

I can't say that it puts me to sleep but you know maybe it does help.Past couple of nights I just dropped off to sleep before realizing it.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Going to the barber shop.Do men still do that?Are there such things as the old fashioned barber shops anymore?

When I was coming up every two weeks you went to get your ears lowered.On a Saturday morning you better get there early cause it fills up real quick.Those that were not getting haircuts just added to the decor for lack of a better word.

A little secret for those who don't know,men gossip just like women and the barber shop was where you caught up on the latest goings on.Every thing from A to Z could be covered on those Saturday morning trips to the local neighborhood shop.

There was always someone to shine your shoes to a glossy shine.Place to get a shave,which I never had.The barber shop was where you bought your hair grooming products.Things like combs,Lucky Tiger hair oil and Butch that pink stuff we used on our flattop hairdos that always smelled liked bubble gum to me.There was always a hunting and fishing magazine laying around to keep you busy till your turn in the chair.

There was always a chart on the wall with all the types of haircuts in style you could get.Everyone I guess always got the same type of haircut each time and your barber didn't have to ask how you wanted it,he just knew.

The only barber shop I remember going to from the time I was a little boy till I was grown was called Hillside Barber Shop.It had one of those barber poles outside that was red,white and blue twirling around like a big peppermint candy stick.

Yes those where the days.I kinda miss hearing those words the barber would shout when it was your turn.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

"What a Wonderful World" The Flaming Lips

Don't bite the hand that feeds ya

History repeats it's self again.Listening to the news and during a couple of conversations lately people are talking about in all 50 states people have signed papers wanting to succeed from the Union.

Hold on a minute.Let me think.Didn't that happen a few years ago back in the 1860's?

If I remember right it did not work out all that great.It resulted in a little thing called the CIVIL WAR.

I think it's all just symbolic.No one in their right mind wants to leave the protection of this great country called the United States.

I have heard that Georgia is about broke least that is what the politicians say when funding for education and health come up so how in the world do these people think things in their life will be better by suceeding.

Some people never learn.Don't bite the hand that feeds ya.

Guess that old saying is true,those that don't learn history are bound to repeat it.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Lit up!

I heard on the radio that a little town in this county named Hogansville will be having a Christmas sale or something of that sorts one night this month.

What perked my interest was that the merchants will be serving cookies,apple cider and wine to their customers.

The radio went on to say that Hogansville will be lit up that night.

Hmmm.I'm thinking.Does that mean the town will be lit up by Christmas lights or will the customers be lit up because of the wine?


Error 404 page does not exist.That computer error message we receive sometimes might explain my life at times.

Like you can do to a Facebook account deactivate it I wish parts of my life where that easy too do.

What would be nice is a delete button for some of this stuff.Just remove the hurtful mean people from our life.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Here I lay with pen in hand,not really it's a keyboard starring at a blank piece of paper, ok a screen tying to put into words my emotions of the moment.Like the song by Pink Floyd I'm comfortably numb.Like the three monkeys I see,speak or know nothing.

I refuse to let my brain drift off to that place where my deepest thoughts are.It's a place I try avoiding but at times it gives me great pleasure going there.There I can change the outcome of a situation.Mold it to my own liking,the ending will be as I wanted not as it really happened.

I think that is called daydreaming.

I do alone good

I do alone good.Always have.Don't get me wrong I'm not anti social don't think.Mix and mingle and socialize I like ok.It's just not necessary for me to function.Years of experience I have.I was raised by wolfs out in the forest no,just kidding but raised alone till 5 years old.

I worked alone.Sheesh this is getting pathetic huh.Many a holiday was spent alone.Always I shrugged it off by telling myself it didn't matter.Don't know why I'm telling you this maybe cause a slight tingle of loneliness came over me.

I'm good now.No problem.Now get outta here and leave me alone!

Words just can't desrcibe it

A wintry mix in North Georgia for today I seen on the TV.I think that old saying about one extreme following another must be true.This summer was extra hot with temps over 100 degrees common.Last winter wasn't even there.Hardly any cold weather.

I would like to see some snow.Never seen very much of it living here in Dixie.Just mention the word snow in the forecast and us Southern folk go wacky.The first thing you have to do is rush to the grocery store and buy up all the milk and loaf bread you can tote.I heard today that folks up North do similar things.They rush off in bad weather and buy up flashlights and batteries.Down here we folks keep a hurricane lamp in the house just for those times when the power goes out.

Mention snow,don't have to see it,just the word snow will shut down a whole town.And all it takes is a few snow flakes and drivers here go berserk.We go into panic mode with snow.Hurricanes,tornadoes rain,sleet and hail don't phase us but that thing called snow,well it best you just come down and experience that yourself.Words just can't describe it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Buying Momma a gun

Buying Momma a gun.Years ago my Daddy was working nights.Momma was alone in the house.There had been a rash of break ins on Ladies who where living alone in our neighborhood.

I had this grand plan.A guy I worked with had a beer joint he and his friend ran after work.He told me about a man who would come around to the beer joint every so often selling guns from the trunk of his car.My friend brought a Raven 25 cal automatic to work and I bought it for Momma.I sure wasn't thinking at all on this deal.

I had no idea if this gun was stolen or been used in some type of crime.Plus my friend did not have the greatest of reputation his self having served some time in the big house for shooting a man.Plus I think my friend overcharged for the little pistola.

I got to thinking.Sometimes Momma fussed on Daddy for the little things he sometimes did.Things like staying out all night drinking.Plus Daddy liked to gamble every blue moon or so.She could raise Cain if she wanted.What if Momma got so mad at Daddy she would shoot him with the little gun I bought her.It would be my fault and I most likely could not stand the guilt of that.

This is what I did.The gun was given to her but the bullets I kept.A smart plan I thought.

Believe me

Thanksgiving and chicken pox.November 1965 a Wednesday I think it happened.Last day of school till Thanksgiving holiday and I was at a girls basketball game at Moreland,Georgia.We all rode the school bus to the game that night.

During the game they announced that Lester Maddox had been elected Governor of Georgia.I don't really remember much about the basketball game it was just fun being out at night with my classmates away from the watchful eyes of our parents.

Who knows who won probably not East Newnan Elementary because we lost at everything it seemed.Basketball which there was only a girls team and baseball which most of the older boys played on.We where a poor county school and we didn't even have baseball uniforms not even hats but we played the other schools that did.I heard years later that they did win a game of baseball.

There was only one guy in our Boy Scout troop that had a uniform.If I remember right we where not your regular type of scouts.It did get rowdy at times.

Out of school for 2 weeks back then for Holidays.Week before Thanksgiving a Sunday I was not feeling all that great.I stayed in bed under an electric blanket all day.Waking up I remember shocking Momma.I was  broke out with chicken pox.

Of all the bad timing sick when out of school.Back at school I was teased because another classmate had also caught the chicken pox.Since we two where the only ones who had it everyone even the teacher Mr.Camp teased me and that little pretty girl saying it must have been no consequence.

Honest it was.Just one of those things that happens in life.Believe me.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

They lied

Where it all started for me.June 24th 1952.Old city county  hospital LaGrange,Georgia.Back in the days when you walked into a hospital and the smell of alcohol and ether would smack you in the face.Thank goodness for Crawford W. Long for coming up with ether but it was awful smelling and so nauseous least to me.With out it at that time people would have to bite the bullet literally or swig on liquor till they passed out when having surgery.My first remembrance of ether was 1959 when I had my tonsils took out.Night before it took place I checked into the hospital.7 years old Momma stayed with me.I remember a nurse coming in to give me a shot that night.I cried,Momma cried,the nurse was crying I had her so upset.I did not like shots.Then the head nurse came in without saying a word,rolled me over and gave me the shot.

Next day off to the operating room.I was so small a nurse just picked me up in her arms and toted me.I remember Dr. Cowart placing a rubber mask on my face telling me to breathe deeply.We are going to blast off in a rocket into outer space Dr.Cowart said,count to 100.I made it to about 8 and out I went.

Waking up the first person I seen was my Grand Ma Smith sitting by the bed smiling.Dr.Cowart came in and noticed my money jar on the bedside table.You are making more money off this than I am he joked.

They lied.You can have all the ice cream you want I was told.They didn't tell you that your throat would be so sore and hurting you didn't want anything.

God bless you!

Maybe I'm not so forgetful after all.I did loose my hat could not find it any where.You guessed it,was on my head.Someone much younger told me about their little spell of forgetfulness the other day.

Seem they lost their cell phone.You know what I'm going to say don't you? Yep they where talking on it at the time.

Wonder what causes these little lapses in our memory.Is it stress,sign of the times just so busy with life we can't concentrate or what.

Now my Momma she did loose her memory.They called it dementia or Alzheimer's who knows for sure.All I know is it's an awful disease.She forgot who I was completely.I only have one piece of advice to anyone caring for someone with that condition.Do not take anything they say seriously or to heart.Just let in come in one ear and out the other.Remember it's the disease talking not them.

How the heck I get on this subject?Didn't start out to be serious but way I write guess.One subject comes into my mind and I get side tracked on another.

So with all that said if you are going through something like that with a loved one all I can do is give you a big loving understanding hug and say God bless you! 

It helps to be angry

I'm through with rhymes
It just takes to much time
Most of all they sound weird
Writing those things you need long hair and beard

You have to be in a mood
It helps to be angry
Write when your'e brooding
If not nothing comes out good

So will stick to what I know
Won't be putting on any show
Write what's true
Those little stories about me and you

So won't put you through any pain
With those little rhymes
With my small stories I will bore
That will do it's no chore

Monday, November 12, 2012

Let me just slip away

If I had my choice
Don't want to die in spring
It's so pretty and nice
If I had a voice

Let it be winter
Something like March
When it's cold and dark
No singing of a Lark

March when it's so gloomy
No leaves on the trees
Nothing but depressing
No sign of the bees

Let me just slip away
The wind is howling
Clouds are black
Not on a beautiful spring day

How To Talk With A Southern Accent

Family secrets

Family secrets.Everyone family has them.Here is one of mine.The Haynes men in my family have a hard time handling alcohol.One little drink and they go a bit wacky.

Grand Pa Haynes who I loved dearly was a bootlegger and moonshiner in his early years the story goes.I do not hold this against him because he had to do what he had to do supporting his family.Story is he would come home with croker sacks full of money.One night he came in and had been shot in the mouth.So I'm pretty sure that was a rough life.

My Dad and his brothers,JD and Fred could be a handful I've heard.Fred spent some time in a federal prison for nearly beating an officer to death when he was in the army.I remember seeing a postcard from him to Grand Ma Haynes post marked Fort Leaven Worth Kansas.The prison.Someone killed Fred when he was just a young man in Macon,Georgia.Daddy said Fred had just got out of the army and had his muster out pay and was to meet Grand Ma the next day to look for a house for them but he never made it.A few days passed and they got a call to come to the hospital and identify someone who might be Fred.It was him.And he died from the beating.He had been found laying under a railroad bridge by the police.Daddy always had a theory about that,he always said the police had beaten Fred with a rubber hose pipe,his brain was just mush but not a mark was on him.Often when in Macon Daddy would show me the spot Fred was found.

So I never had the chance to meet Uncle Fred or Uncle JD.Both died young.JD died a few weeks after I was born.He had a neruo muscular problem like me.Plus from what I have been told he had been hurt during WW2 and was in constant pain.

Daddy was the baby boy of the family.In his younger years he had been a rounder I've heard.My theory on the Haynes men and alcohol has always been that because Grand Ma was said to be Cherokee Indian that is one reason they could not handle the firewater.

So in closing I will say I broke the family tradition.No guns or drink for me.I seen enough of that as a child.I think they did me a huge favor by showing me not what to do. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I know how it feel

Starring at the blank screen
What's on my mind
Can I put it down
Maybe just take my time

No need to rush
Be careful of things I say
No use hurting with words
Don't want to make you blush

I will be so nice
Won't be bad
Every thing I write
Think about it twice

No never would I do that
I'm not that way
I know how it feel
Words they can kill

The way I play

Wearing my heart on my sleeve
Got to stop that
Not a good thing to do
I do believe

Just shrug it off
Pretend I don't care
Even though really
It's more than I can bare

Hide my tears
Just look away
That's how I do it
The way I play


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Don't open the kitchen door after dark

Someone a friend told me a story today and I just have to retell it.Far as I know it is true so here goes.

This friend when she was a little girl like to spend some of her summer vacation at her Grand Ma's who lived in Lookout Mountain,Tennessee.

Know comes the scary part.Don't go into the kitchen at night she was told.Her Grand Ma would wire the kitchen door shut at bed time each night.Well my friend said that as a  little girl she had a almost incurable sweet tooth and at night always wanted something sweet.After everyone had gone to sleep off to the kitchen she went.

Reaching the kitchen which she said was quite large and dark she found it still wired shut.She heard a noise coming from the kitchen.The noise was something being dragged across the floor.This was enough and she left not trying to open the kitchen door.

Morning came and she found her Grand Ma and told her story.They went to the kitchen along with her Uncle and the door was opened.The kitchen table which was quite large and heavy she said had been dragged from one side of the room to the other.Something had been caught in a trap.It had gotten it's self wrapped around the leg of the kitchen table.

It was a rat.A large rat the size of a cat or small dog.Down here in the South they are called Wolff rats.She was told that the family pet,a small dog had made the mistake of chasing one of the big rats and was attacked by a group of them and to put it mildly was eaten by them.

So that was my friend's story she told me.After a few moments of thinking it over I came to the conclusion that the rats had came out of the mountains or maybe had morphed into these hideous animals,mutant rats, because of  some type of nuclear radiation because during WW2 close by the US government did research on atomic radiation,the atomic bomb.

So the moral of the story is on some dark blustery night be careful when going to the kitchen for a midnight snack.No telling what lurks in the darkness of the night.