Sunday, November 10, 2013

Will share

Have jar of peanut butter...searching for woman with soda crackers...will share.

Cart before the horse

Why not give us old folks here at the home a medium size glass of red wine at bed time instead of those awful narcotics.

It's a natural product.Helps calm the savage beast so restful slumber is possible.Washes away that bad cholesterol and helps your heart.

I write this as I'm sipping on iced apple juice which contains arsenic.

Sometimes we do put the cart before the horse.

Come for thee

The big black Caddy just slowly drove by
It did stop oh my oh my
Someone has been set free
One day it will come for thee

Thanks to the Monkees for inspiration

Here we come
Walking down your street
Like to have fun with
Everyone we meet

Hey hey we are politicians
We just like messing around
You better be careful now
We are in your town

Everything we say is true
If the price is right
Many things we can
Do for you

Hey hey we are politicians
We just like messing around
You better be careful now
We are in your town

If I'm caught in a lie
Turn the tables I will
It's just politics
I will deny

Hey hey we are politicians
We just like messing around
You better be careful now
We are in your in town

The problem is

Let me enlighten everyone with my Southern wisdom.

The problem is not us in wheelchairs or with disabilities.

The problem is the way people perceive us.

I never have

Very compassionate for the Pope to greet people in wheelchairs.

He told them not to be ashamed of their disability.

Thank you but I never have.

Chicken Little

Chicken Little was right...the sky is falling...least a satellite is...where and when no one knows...invest in a crash helmet.

Ban this

Just ban drink water and breathe air...wait that will kill ya also!