Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Happy birthday Gail.Well this photo let me think.We spent many a summer's day on that screened in porch looking through the Sears&Roebucks catalog playing this page is mine that page is yours.Back in the old days when Sears sold donkeys,monkeys and dogs and other neat stuff.Another fun thing was to sit on the roof of that old barn in back of Grandma's and watch wrecks at the corner of Dallis and Truittt.Yes we where what folks call SPECIAL these days.Remember?Those hot summer days waiting on Pete the ice cream man and hoping someone would take pity on us and buy us a Popsicle.Going to the store for Grandma,any change left over is yours she would say.Back then you could buy candy or cookie for a penny.If you was lucky enough was left over for a hamburger and dill pickle out that jar from Smokey's.So Cousin Happy Birthday and many more for you!

Old Butt Buster

A little red wine is good for you I read.Even the bible said take a little wine for thy stomachs sake.I'm a tea toatler but maybe a glass of wine would be more sensible than all these medications we take.

Chocolate is good for you also I'm told.Guess the trick is moderation on all things.

So bring on a bottle of Old Butt Buster chilled wine from the corner convience store and get me a couple large Hershey bars.

Just for my health you know.


My simple wish.Just to lean against a Pine Tree on a cold clear day at sunset.Roaring campfire warming my bones.Looking at the colors of the sky.Red,pink,blue and black.

Time just to relax,think,reflect.Smell of woodsmoke filling my senses.


Free sample

Looking out the big window so far today the Doritos and CoCola truck making their deliveries I've seen.The Keebler cookie(made by elves)truck will most likely be around soon also.

Wonder if they give out samples.The milkman when there was such a thing did when I was a kid.Down on Juniper Street on a Saturday a gang of kids would gather around the milk truck begging for samples.Good ole Mr milkman would most always give us a chocolate milk in those little single serve bottles.

Maybe it's the rain

Feeling unwelcome.A few times in my life I've had that feeling.Been a few years ago but the feeling is awful.Makes you feel like climbing under the nearest rock.

Once or twice when I was a kid some folks made me feel that way.

Some folks just have no manners.Met a few like that also in my life.Off the top of their heads they can be the cruelest little animals with 2 legs walking God's good green Earth.

Don't know why I'm on this subject this morning .Maybe it's the rain.