Friday, April 5, 2013


A shame and pity.Way up there in ole Boston,Mass,bean town, the state and home of the Kennedy's ,the ones who pointed their fingers at people down here in Dixie years ago shame on you.

Seems 25 kids at an elementary school where refused lunch one day.The reason being their lunch cards had a zero balance on them.

The kid's where not allowed to eat lunch that day in fact their lunch plates where dumped without being touched.

Karma.Plain and simple.Be careful who you judge my friends.

Coolest dude on TV

Could the Geico pig be the coolest dude on TV? I think maybe yes.

Love this commercial where the pig stopped by the police is asked if he knows why he is being stopped.

His answer is perfect,because I'm a pig driving a convertible the pig answers.The cop answers tail light.Get it fixed.

Yep maybe this means something when the commercials might be more interesting and original than the network TV programs.

As the Geico pig says.... wheeeeee!

My heart skips....

As this is being wrote my eyes still groggy from sleep my heart skips a little faster with joy this morning.

I just read something that must be shared.It seems my fellow connoisseurs of Whoppers and fries that those healthy choice items fast food places offer are no healthier than the big burger loaded up and fries.Just as much fat,more salt and the calorie difference is not worth bragging about.

Yes my friends those health nuts may laugh at us as we eat our Whoppers and Big Macs.They may call us names.But we know what we like and enjoy it.

Yes my heart skips a beat and maybe is ticking a little faster this morning with joy from this news.But could be from that bag of Cheetos I had as a bed time snack.