Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The cell bars are invisible

I faced reality today.I'm almost 61 years old,feel good,got some medical problems and I'm in a nursing home.

I could live a natural long life.It could be many years.

That hit me a few minutes ago.Man it's like almost being sentenced to life without the chance of parole.

Same thing each day it could get old.Same food same sights same people same etc.

Before you think I'm complaining guess this is where I belong.It was my choice.I had reached the point where things of daily living I needed a helping hand with.

I'm so blessed and thankful for those that help me here.


In a way I feel like I'm just here.So thankful I have the mental capacity to express what I am feeling.Some are just here period if you get my drift.

This may sound cold hearted,cruel or what ever you think but when I see the hearse leaving here with the remains of someone who has passed on I'm not sad for them.Thinking to myself  there you go friend you are now free,paroled,escaped your sentence and good luck friend you have made it.

Cold black steel bars don't keep us in.The cell bars are invisible.But we,us,the people here are in the prison of our own makings.

Let me repeat this,take note,listen to what I'm saying,this is my home,the best place for me,thank God for it and the people here who are my blessing.

I am just saying wish my life had turned out different than it did.If that sounds like whining so be it.

Catch and release

About that time of the year.Around the 1st of June they appear.

When I see them it's officially summer to me.

On a clear June sky night,the smell of honeysuckle and Formosa trees fill my senses.

I see one!

Fireflies they are back.

Kids with glass fruit jars will captured them.A living lamp of glowing life.

All I ask is this.Catch and release.

Last night's vistor

After a hot breakfast and coffee outside I mozied.Taking my time not sure of what waited on me my pistol ready at my side towards the wood shed I walked.

There it was.Just what I figured.Bear tracks in the soft wet ground.

Guess a Momma Black bear and her cubs had been my visitor last night.Most likely looking for a quick meal of the corn stored in the wood shed.

Bright sky but cold on the mountain this morning.

Night on Smith's mountain

I was woke up sometime last night by the sound of something,someone banging on the wood shed out behind the cabin.

I had been sleeping soundly.Rain on the tin roof lulybyed me into a deep peaceful sleep.

To be honest that sound of banging outside disturbed me.Once I thought maybe checking it out might be the wise thing to do.In the warm cabin I had no desire getting out in the cold rain at that late an hour.

I am glad my trusty 44 caliber pistol rested under the covers with me.

Morning and daylight will be better for looking at the source of the noise.

Now the sun is rising and time for warmed up taters and scrambled eggs.