Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thank you Jesus

That's all she wrote thinking to myself.

About 5 this morning I noticed that the all night track of crickets,sound of night creatures and the crackling of a camp fire that I listen to on YouTube to drown out all the goings on here had stopped.

The silence woke me up.

I noticed the battery light on the computer was flashing.

Computer died,no power.

Checking all cables connections nothing was found wrong.

Shoot fire thinking to myself this is going to be boring without the computer.No TV,no writing(writing on paper is to much work)no more this and that.

Dullsville USA without it.

I went back to sleep.

When my friend Charles the fix it man came in at breakfast he found the power cable unplugged on the floor.

Thank you Jesus and thank you Charles I'm back in bizzness.

Mothership comes around

Nightly about 2ish I'm visited.

The Mothership comes around and zip pow bang off on a trip She takes me.

Places like Texas,Utah and Kalamazoo,Michigan.

Once I was taken to France for a short visit but the food there didn't suit me.It's hard getting good French fries in France for some reason.

We just cruise the skies at night talking about old black&white movies staring James Cagney and things never anything to deep.

You know just making conversation.

Last night/early morning I ended up at a Denny's restaurant in Norman,Oklahoma for an snack of chili dogs and onion rings and a big orange to wash it down.

Around 444 am the Mothership whisks me back to the old folks home before the early bed check at 5 am we leave a little early in case of heavy traffic (they check if we made it through the night)and I take a short nap before breakfast.

I JohnLee swear the above is the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Really I swear I'm not on any happy pills of any kind.