Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A fireplace roaring

What is missing
To make this day great
Maybe up on a mountain top
By a big blue lake

A fireplace roaring
Rocking chair by window
Old rustic cabin
My imagination would be flowing

That I could do
Would suit me fine
Not a word I'd complain
A world where it's sane

Just close your eyes
Let mind run free
You could join me
Life way it should be

My type of day

My type of day.It's early morning Tuesday November 6.A slow rain is falling and it's cool.It is beautiful outside.The leaves on the trees have colors of red,yellow,brown and orange.

This type of weather does something to me.The word that comes into my mind is peaceful.All is good with me today.

It's a day made for just looking out the window thinking and reflecting.A day just made for praising God and thanking Him for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us.