Saturday, July 13, 2013

Extreme prejudice

Gather around.Pull up a chair.Take your shoes off.Make yourself comfy.

I shall tell you a story.A true story at that.

Here goes.

My Grandma Haynes was I guess the word is contrary.Or just plain hard to get along with.

Grandma always lived with us.Maybe because her daughters maybe could not take her ways.

My Momma looked after her in sickness and health.She always called Grandma Miss Haynes out of respect plus Momma had manners.

Nothing Momma did for her was good enough and about everything she complained.

Once Grandma told the next door neighbor that she could not eat Momma's cornbread which I think was perfect myself.

The neighbor showed up at supper time one evening with a black iron skillet of cornbread she had cooked.

Harold(Daddy)she said I brought you some cornbread.Daddy spoke up and said Momma's cornbread was just fine and no thanks.

Years later Momma told me in one of our late night talks which I miss so much that if Daddy had taken that cornbread she would have wrapped that big black iron skillet around his head.

So that gives you a little insight about what Momma was dealing with.There are many more stories I could tell but it would serve no purpose digging up old bones.

My Aunt Gladys who was sick and in her last days told Momma she appreciated the way she had looked after her Momma and thanked Momma.

I was reminded of this today by one of the residents here at the home.

Nothing that was done for him was good enough,done wrong or not quick enough.

All I can say was I felt sorry for the Lady who was helping him.

In closing I ask this favor.If I ever get where I'm hateful and mean and just a pain in the ole kazoombe just take me out back and you know use extreme prejudice.

You think...

Girl flies 10,000 miles.
Plane crashes at landing.
Girl is throw from plane.
Girl is run over by fire truck.
She dies.
And you think your day is going bad?


I have kin folk in Texas.
A cousin named Cecil and his wife Rosa who live down San Antonio way and after retirement from the Air Force now sells goats.
My Uncle Lavert was sort of the family historian and just all around good guy.
I remember him telling that back in the late 1800's folks around this part of Georgia and Alabama people would flee to Texas if they had shot someone or stole somebodys horse to avoid capture.
Knowing my families history most likely I would feel right at home there.

Dog days

Dog days of summer
Man what a bummer
Hot and sky is hazy
Makes me lazy

If I end up in the poky

If ever I end up in the poky call these people please:
1.Dig up Perry Mason because he never lost a case.
2.Call in Mr T and the A team.
3.Have Rat Patrol act as my security team.
4.Matt Dillon get him on the case but leave Chester at home I can't take much more of that "Mr. Dillon Mr. Dillon" stuff.
5.Mattlock just to assist Perry Mason with a team like that who could lose.
6 Andy Griffith just because Andy had common sense and yeah okay give Barney his bullet just in case things don't go as planned and a quick trip to Ole Mexico is needed.
7.The Lone Ranger just because I think Tonto is one cool dude Ke-mo-sah-bee.
8.Tweety Bird why Tweety you may ask because as Tweety said"they don't know me very well do they".
9.Jethro Bodine double naught spy because I can't afford Bond James Bond 007.
10.Last but not least Monty Pyhton because I never understood what they where about but I liked it.