Saturday, November 2, 2013

I'm in love

I'm in love.

Promised myself never again would this happen.

It was sudden,unexpected.

There she was.

At supper tonight.

Dark ,sweet, beautiful.

Her name is Sara,Sara Lee.

The best double chocolate cake I've ever had.

Tweety mood

I'm in a Tweety Bird mood today.

It's much easier finding the bad in a situation than the good.


Walker Texas Ranger Junior is up and at it.

From 7am till 7pm Walker Junior is commander of the TV remote out in the commons area.

Same boring channel same boring reruns day in day out.

The other day a new elderly gent resident had the remote and Walker Junior came cruising up slowly sitting behind us mumbling Walker Texas Ranger turn it.

He was ignored.

But like all spoiled children he made his way over to the new man held out his hand mumbling remote.

Now Walker Texas Junior is old enough not to act this way and not old enough to act this way if you get my drift.

I give him his way just because I know he is in pain and maybe if there is a thing called seniority he has it since he has been here a long time.

But that is no excuse for being rude as Hell.

Make it interesting

Football is for sissies.

There I think it so I said it.

I'll tell you why this is so.

Have you watched a pro game lately?

Lately watching them big ole boys playing this I have noticed.

They skip around like 6 year old girls playing hop scotch,can't keep their hands to their self,fall down so they won't get tackled and run the ball or throw it out of bounds instead of being a man and facing up to big neck breaker Bubba who loves pain,giving pain to others I should say.

Now come to the year 2013.

Just make pro football a game of tag.

Players are being fined each week for tackling others forgive me"to rough".

Players are getting hurt,it's football,players are getting injured,it's football,players are getting their feelings and egos smashed,it's football,you get the picture.

So add the lingerie girls to the pro football league.

If they going to play tag football least make it interesting.

Hell is hot

Today I have many ideas running through my head.

None are related so instead of writing separate stories for each I will combine them.

Let's get the show on the road.

First off this is on my mind.The old folks home is in a way just a dumping ground.Loved ones,family,friends that you can't deal with or want around you just dump in these places.Like we do unwanted dogs and cats that are dumped on the side of the road and you speed off quickly cause it's wrong and you are to ashamed of what you did and can't look back at their wondering what did I do sad eyes.

Some family members are still loyal and visit their aged parents,sick loved ones and haven't deserted their friends.

To all the rest all I can say is Hell is hot.

Come to think of it this story is enough for right now.

Let that sink in.