Saturday, July 19, 2014

Cold wet dark blanket draping my soul

Sad tonight.

For no reason I can think of I am.It came quick over me like a cold wet dark blanket draping my soul.

I'm missing some people in my life got them on my mind.

That deep canyon of craziness

Another night of half hearted sleep.

I did dream.

I seen a Lady who works here at the OFH who almost daily walks past my window to the kitchen were she works pass by in my dream.

This time it was different.She was toting a food tray like our meals are served on.On this food tray I seen little boxes of Krystal hamburgers neatly lined up and I think boxes of fries.

Maybe yours truly has fell off that cliff of sanity and is spiraling out of control into that deep canyon of craziness.

Or maybe I was just hungry and wanted some Krystal's.

Tin foil hat

Yes Dear friend I live in a tin foil hat area.

Things that go on at the OFH(old folks home) one needs some type of protection.

That little ole gray haired lady in the wheelchair who tried assassinating  me with a cup full of ice water is back from being evaluated but I haven't seen her cruising the halls and by ways of the OFH yet.

Then we have the groaners,moaners,complainers,rude ones,inconsiderate ones who(I know you are getting tired of hearing this one)grab the TV remote and changes the channel from what other people are interested in and watching.

Then we have some who suffer from that awful ailment of grand disillusion about their self worth.No you ain't that great or yes really I'm not impressed.

So the tin foil hat really comes in handy.Mine is always close by.Like in that movie Signs were the two little kids make and wear hats of tin foil so those monster aliens can't read their minds.

If it worked for them maybe it will for me.

Not worried about monster aliens but little ole gray haired ladies in wheelchairs.