Friday, February 24, 2012

Spooky van

I have a friend who has a Dodge van.I think it’s  at the least spooky.Every time I have been in that vehicle I get depressed.Bad vibes,karma call it what you want but something is not kosher with it.Once someone seen a black dark figure ,angry figure sitting next to me in the van.All I felt was depressed.I was thinking ,my friend bought the van used and maybe something bad happened in it.Often I have thought maybe it was used as a corners transport vehicle and had seen all sorts of gruesome things.What ever is going on something is just not right with that Dodge.

The wind howled

The wind howled last night.It reminded me of a man with a deep voice moaning.Today I was awaken by the flash of lighting and rolling thunder.Rain is still here but won't complain.It will be needed soon.Lately Georgia has suffered through year after year of drought conditions so every drop from the Heavens is needed and be thankful for it.Really I like this type of weather.It gives me a peaceful easy feeling.