Sunday, July 14, 2013

Chief Noc-a-homa

Chief Noc-a-homa
The Braves need you
That home run thang now used
Just won't do

Out in left field
In your tee pee
When the Braves hit a homer
You are who we wanna see


Formosa tree in bloom
A beautiful sight
Muggy summer night
Aroma fills room

Why didn't I think of that

Why didn't I think of that:
1.Smiley face
2.Pet rock
3.That cubic thingy
4.Rock and roll
5.Bacon cheese burgers
6.Personal computer
8.Microwave popcorn
9.Dial 1-800-your cause goes here
10.Monster trucks

Leave you with a song

And how are you doing?
I'm good thank you for asking.
Nothing comes to mind so what to write about who knows.
Just got that need to put something down in words today.
Most of the time I just start typing and a story just flows out of me without much thought.
It's rare that I put much thought into these stories.
Maybe it shows.
So I will leave you with a song this morning.