Friday, October 18, 2013

Help us all

Double terror tonight.

A full Hunters moon and a total eclipse.

Reports of strange mysterious things happening are being reported on CNN and Fox news as this is being written.

Lights strange lights low in the sky have been reported by local 911 authorities and officers on patrol.

They are advising people to use caution and monitor local police frequencies and report any thing out of the norm.

Help us all what is this…What does it mean?

Ok after much thought I had this posted on my Facebook page and deleted it.
Reason being I have some friends there who might have taken it a little bit to serious and switched their TV's to the news channels searching for info and running outside looking up into the night skies looking for little green men or grey which ever the case may be.

Calling 911 and jamming their switchboards with questions like is this the beginning of the end and I can see it now the police visiting me asking what in Hatti is going on and are you crazy or something(DON'T ANSWER THAT I CAN HEAR YOU).

So my attempt of an Orson Wells copy cat of the War of the Worlds has failed.

Orson almost got sent to the poky for his stunt and I don't want to end up that way cause little fat boys like me don't do prison very well.

So as Roseanna Roseanna from SNL use to say NEVER MIND all is good and safe the buggers under your bed and in the closet won't get you tonight...


7 hours plus a few minutes

It rolls around every morning about 8 am.

The start of another beautiful day in the neighborhood.


The best meal of the day for me.

For mine it's 1 fried just about done not quite, to perfection egg.Then some real homemade grits not the 5 minute easy fast stuff but real down home old timey grits.Bacon,3 slices.A biscuit that is perfect and hot coffee and OJ round it out.Just add butter,jelly, salt and pepper.

Now I wish this had not wrote this.

Mouth watering and I'm hungry.

7 hours plus a few minutes till it rolls around again.

He ain't real

Friday at the old folks home.

Pizza or lasagna?

Choices choices .

I'm dragging my feet today(really wish I could do that ha ha)being lazy.A bit on the coolish side and staying under the covers seems like the best thing to do so I did.

Sunny day after showers of yesterday and the weather people say it going down into the 40's the coming up weekend.

So far so good nothing to report that's exciting just a so so day so far.

The sky is a beautiful blue with wispy white clouds streaked with the contrails of jet planes.

Trees especially the little Dogwood in front of my big window is beautifully changing colors with orange and brown.

The only thing I can really complain about is Walker Texas Ranger.

I dislike that TV show so much.

My Roomie Texas Walker Junior loves it and controls the channel clicker all day watching Walker Texas Ranger.

Walker ain't real.Walker can do no wrong.

Need someone saved?Call Walker.

Need a bull rode when the pro bull riders can't? Call Walker.

Driver of a NASCAR team hurt and need a driver?Call Walker he will win the race.

Get the picture?

When the bad guys start a shooting Walker does the Kung Fu thang on them never drawing his big ole gun.And dag nabbit he wins.

And when walker does shoot POW!

Every shot is dead on.One man one shot is all it takes for Walker Texas Ranger.

But the bad guys need some target practice.They shoot machine guns,bazookas and cruise missiles at Walker and still miss.

And that Dodge truck he drives I hate, bullets bounce off it like they do off Super Man's chest.

I'm a Ford F 150 man myself.

And get this.

Walker is a time shifter going back into time visiting his Indian ancestors or pretending to be his hero Hays Cooper Texas Ranger(heck I got Indian blood in me but never have I time shifted..wait there was that time in 1963...another story for another time).

Yeah that Walker Texas Ranger.

Oh yeah I almost forgot Walker Texas Ranger is God's gift to women.

He ain't real.

Thank goodness for YouTube.

There I can watch Rocky and Bullwinkle.

Real TV.