Thursday, February 13, 2014


It's 2014...where's my flying car?

Redneck romantic rhyme

Your Valentine poem
Just for youse
Youse I loves
Really I doose

Sticking to you
Like a bugger on fanger
Me loves youse
Mo than my Ford Ranger

Get in da truck
I'm a big spender
Off to the Krystal we go
Now this is romantic don't you know

All dressed up
Jeans and flip flops
Your best T shirt
The one stained by pork chops

I might shave
Might wear socks
Promise you I'll
Try to behave

Youse kinda pretty
Little bit smart
Those six fingers those six toes
It don't matter no one knows

I've said a little
Maybe a lot
I loves youse
Here have my tater tots

My spell checker going wacky
Wonder why
Yeah I know
My poem be tacky

But I loves youse
Telling you true
Now tells me
Don't youse loves me to


Blessed this storm missed LaGrange/Troup County...someone brought me pinto beans and cornbread for my lunch...very blessed.