Friday, July 18, 2014

Baby gator

Back in the old days when America was freer and had less laws things were different.

Everyone it seems is going to Florida or has been lately.I miss the smell of sea water and Coppertone sun tan lotion,the crashing of Atlantic ocean waves on the shore.I have all the qualities to be a first class beach bum.

All that go south to the Sunshine/Bikini state I ask for just one small favor.

Please bring me back a baby alligator so I can put it in one of Twin Fountains water fountains out front at the gazebo.

Seems that custom of stopping on a Florida road and buying a sack full of oranges or a coconut and baby alligators to take home is a thing of the past.

It's now as they say "ginst the law".

Not the oranges or coconuts or those high priced T shirts with the funny sayings but the baby gators.

Daddy would go deep sea fishing a few times each year and my request was always the same "bring me a baby gator Daddy",nope never happened just a bag of oranges or that coconut that kept me busy all day trying to crack'em.

Now that I'm older I think what would I have done with a baby gator anyway.

Maybe that's where that 10 foot gator that was killed up the road in the river came from.

Some pesky kid like me asking his Daddy"bring me a baby gator home".

National Hot Dog day

Tomorrow is National Hot Dog day
Chili cheese mustard ketchup onions galore
Just one word I can say and that's hurray
Two three I could eat maybe more

Fries crinkle cut please
Onion rings on the side
Us fat boys ain't vain
We have nothing to hide

Nuway Nathans Checker chili dogs
Krystal corn pups
A foot long from the DQ
Even a Polish sausage from Racetrack oh Lawd

Down at the Sonic they sell'em fancy
Chicago NYC style
With peppers tomato and pickles
One of those will last you awhile

Skip the chicken dogs
Beef is for burgers
Me I'm not Kosher
Make my dog from a hog

Love sweet love

What the world needs now other than love sweet love.

The world needs something to bring us all togather.

Something that will make us put that gun down and stop killing our fellow Brothers and Sisters.

Something that will guarantee that everyone and everything has enough food and clean safe water.It's a shame hunger exists in this world a shame.

A safe warm place to sleep.

Justice and equality for me,you,everyone.

Maybe the world does need more love sweet love.