Sunday, February 17, 2013

She is free

The light on the ceiling.About the size of a 50 cent piece.I seen it again on Friday.I knew what it meant.

The first time that light was seen was last July.I'm not sure if it was before or after Rabbit had died.Rabbit(Robert) was a roommate.Afterwards every so often I would get the smell of roses really strong.Seems no else could.

Daytime Friday laying in bed looking up there it was again,that light.I just seen it a few seconds and it was gone.

 Friday a resident here who had moved back to her home state of Ohio died.I was told yesterday.

 She is now free of that terrible disease of ALS.

Wall Of Shame

 Here I go.On my soapbox this morning.The subject is insurance companies.Just seen on TV that insurance companies are holding back on paying folks whose homes where damaged or destroyed in hurricane Sandy.

Shame on them! Insurance comes under that evil but necessary category.Let me give you an example of my dealings with them.

Back in 1992 my Daddy had surgery for lung cancer.The cancer had spread.Daddy had a disability type insurance that he payed for monthly.

Now get this.My folks really needed those benefits they had payed for but you know what? The insurance company refused to hold up their end of the deal.We where told they would not pay because Daddy previously had cancer.LIE!!!

After months of calls and visit my Mom God rest her soul lost it in the insurance manager office one day and blessed every one in the office out I later heard.

Listen to this.The manger then reach in his desk and started pulling out checks that my folks should have been receiving all along.

At the funeral the undertaker made the comment to Momma one of the insurance companies had sure payed off real quick.Guess which one?

So long story short.I put those insurance companies in the same boat as politicians,crooked cops,lawyers and such.

I shall engraved their name on the Wall Of Shame.