Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Red tape

Red tape.That Government red tape.I have a friend who is having a little trouble with an agency of the Government well not trouble just a snafu I guess is a better word.Anyway,me being like I am sent a few emails and made a phone call.The problem is not solved but I did get a phone call.The caller was nice but a hint of wish you had not did this was in her voice.I was reminded that it's always better to keep things(local).Uh oh,well I did contact the Governors office and even sent an email to the Congressman in our area and sent an email to the White House asking if they might be of some help with this matter.Was I wrong in doing this?It's my right as an American to voice my view on things.No one should feel intimidated by our Government.This is what our fore Fathers went to war and gave their lives for.

Fair weather

Oh how I love this time of the year.October.Days are mild.Nights are cool.This is what we called fair weather.October was when the county fair always came around.Fall just sounds different.Crickets at night will put you to restful sleep.The smell of burning leaves fills the nostrils.Who can disagree with fall.

High brow life

I wont ever be fancy.Never had the desire to be fancy.Never thought I was better than anyone.Putting on airs was never my style.Momma told the story of when she was working as a cashier at a local dry cleaner about one of the town's socialites would come in and the owner would bend over backwards helping her.When the lady walked out of the store he would cuss and call her every name in the book.I was always comfortable with my own kind,mill workers and people who worked hard for a living.Funny how some think others are impressed with their life or achievements.Should I be the one to tell them that most of us are concerned with our own life and really don't care about high brow adventures?

If the shoe fits wear it

Have you ever went out of your way to be nice to someone?The nicer you are seems they take it as a sign of weakness and treat you worse than you know what.You know what?I am glad I was raised with common courtesy and rudeness was not allowed.To you I might not be nothing in your eyes.But you know what maybe I feel just like you.The feeling is mutual as they say.So just because I don't raise my voice,cuss up a storm,stomp around like a bratty 2 year old don't think you scare me.Really it's fun watching you make a horse's ass out of your self.

Strange but true

Strange things.True stories.My Cousin,was trying to throw out her cig from the car.She throw,it bounced backed,she was getting frustrated,yep the window was up.I knew a guy who was a TV repairman.He went on a service call and the owner of the set told him he had the TV worked on recently.The trouble was the on off light on the dial would not turn off now.Unplugged from the wall sure enough the light stayed on.Off came the back of the TV.Can you guess what the problem was?Yep who ever had worked on the TV last had left their flash light inside,on in the TV.

Earthquakes,floods and buritos

Just got through reading about an earthquake in Oklahoma.There have been earthquakes here in LaGrange.Never felt them cause most likley I was a sleep.Last earthquake here knocked pictures off the wall at the Hospital and that is a few blocks away so why I didn't feel it I can't say.I did read once where this part of the country is on a fault line and one day chances are pretty good of a big earthquake.I dream of earthquakes and floods for some reason.I always said it was the bean buritos I ate before bed.I dreamed the earth open up and I could see people being swallowed up by the earth.Once I dreamed of a wall of water coming at me,it devoured me and strange thing was I was not scared.A few days later that tidal wave that killed hundred of thousands happened.I have told people of this but once I had a dream of a little girl and her Mom,they had ran off the road in their car. M om died but the little girl lived.Watching TV on one of the news channels they where showing a story about a little girl who had for days been trapped in a wrecked car which had run off the road,her Mom was dead.I kept wondering why they where showing that it was old news because I knew about it.But here is the kicker,it was just happening,it was not old news.So I guessed I seen the future in my dreams.

Instant coffee

Instant coffee.Never could get the hang of it.Either it was to strong or to weak.Sometimes I would get lucky and make a pretty good cup.We have a tea kettle on the stove and that's where I get my water.Besides awful tasting coffee I have burned myself a few times pouring the water.My left leg has scars from burns after spilling hot boiling water.Trick is not to use a dark colored cup.You can't tell when the cup is full in a dark kitchen.My dislike of instant coffee goes back to my childhood.One of my favorite aunts who lived in Roanoke ,Alabama,Aunt Mytrle always had hot water on the stove and a jar of instant coffee on the table.We always had a coffee peculator,for younger folks they probably have no idea what that was.I seen on TV the other day a program about coffee and making coffee in a peculator is the worst way to make it.You just keep heating up old coffee.It was in the 1970's that I fell in love with Mr.Coffee.Those drip coffee makers where wonderful and made the best tasting cup of coffee I ever had plus they made it fast.So right now the drip coffee maker is shot no good been thrown away so I'm stuck with this instant stuff for awhile.It will do because I don't know if this is true or not but if my head is hurting a cup of coffee will ease it off.I heard caffeine opens up the blood vessels in the brain and blood flows better.I have been called a caffeine addict but that is ok.It's my only vice I guess.So come on ,plug in the Mr.Coffee and have a cup with me.