Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Old mean dog

Old mean dog.Not my friend.Treated that old dog nice.Took it in from the cold and rain and it bit me every chance it got.

Fed it best I could that old mean dog.That old dog was not thankful for anything.

Nothing was good enough for that old mean dog.That old mean dog would bark at me for no reason at all.

Bark bark bark to it's other old mean dog friends about me when I wasn't looking that old mean dog did.

I hope that old mean dog and it's puppies find someone who will be good enough for them.Maybe someone they will be thankful for.

But don't think anyone will be what that old dog wants.

That old mean dog !

Come quick...

Come get me Mr Space person.Bored as can be today.

Fly me away to some exotic locale far far away from the daily grind of my life.

Show me the sights of universes unknown.

Up up way up there in the dark blue sky take me.Zipping along at double triple mach speed.

Mr Space person come quick the day is wasting.


Man hitches ride in big 18 wheeler in Tennessee.

Off to California they go.

Truck is hauling strawberries.

Driver leaves truck alone with man at weigh station in California.

Man steals truck.

Causes wrecks.

Man wrecks truck.

Man admits guilt.

Man said zombies are chasing him.


Zombies not chasing him.

We all know zombies just wanted the strawberries.

I can't judge...

I can't judge.I won't.

But this abortion Doctor trial in Pennsylvania has to get everyone's attention.

If you haven't heard the Doctor has been found guilty of murder for killing 3 aborted babies who where born alive.

My God 3 little babies their life's snuffed out.What has this world come to.

I can't judge.I won't.

But I think we all will be judged for this by God.For allowing abortion and not standing up to people who say it is fine to murder babies.

Have mercy on this sick cruel awful world Lord.