Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Who do I hug
Who do I kiss
Spam sandwich for supper
Needed a slice of swiss


Fishing on the river
Under a tall shade tree
Using a cane pole
Where I want to be

Can of Vienna sausage
Cold RC
Box soda crackers
That's place for me

Snake doctor flying
Red bank of river
Just thinking of this
Causes me to shiver

All summer long
Where spirit at
On the river
I call home

Country folk

Just country folk
Living off the land
Proud and prideful
Never an outreached hand

They can grow
What they eat
What they wear
They can sew

Smile when they mean it
Mad you will know
Nothing about country folk
A put on show

I come from their stock
Pleases me
Your city life
To some lacks a lot