Saturday, May 10, 2014

Ain't fair sometimes

It was a mistake.

Watching that Food channel's show with that guy named Guy who drives around in that red SS convertible Camaro called Dives Drive Inns and Diners.

For supper,by choice I had Cheerios with 2% milk and a bitter cup of luke warm coffee and a cup of no sugar added chocolate pudding.

There it was that guy named Guy eating BBQ ribs,corned beef sandwiches and he topped it off with some of the best NYC deli doughnuts.

My mouth waters just thinking of those wonderful delicious tempting morsels of culinary creations.

Life just ain't fair at times.

While I'm dreaming


 I would love to have some of your biscuits right now.How about some fried strik o lean with that gravy you made,some chopped up onions add that to some mustard ,dip your biscuit into it,better than a T bone steak.

While my mouth waters and I'm dreaming,some of your nanna pudding sounds really good right now.

If only it was possible.

I am ready

Ready for summer.

My favorite season.

It means snow cones,the smell of fresh cut grass,hum of a floor fan on a sultry night,fire flies and the aroma of Honeysuckle and Formosa,on and on.

When I was a kid summer time off from that thing called school was what I patiently waited for.Three month's of freedom.By the way three things about school I did enjoy,lunch,recess and going home each day.School tended to interrupt my sleep.

Up at sunrise,all day riding my bike,listening to AM radio that was taped to the handlebars,balloons tied to the spokes for that motorcycle sound,relaxing at Jay McMichaels country store.That was a place the old guys rocked in those big rockers,us kids sat on the floor wasting away a hot July day.If you were lucky the girl you had a crush on would walk in and your heart would do that pitter patter thing.

No street lights on the East Newnan mill village,sundown meant time to go home.

Yes I'm ready for summer.

My fake Ray Ban shades have been super glued back together.

One more summer I think they will make it.