Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Just thinking

Don't love hurt,sting and a few other things I can't say here.It is good we humans fall in love.But seems we can fall out of love just as quick.I have a friend who is my age and married to the same woman for 38 years.I find that so amazing and wonderful.I wonder what their secret is for such an enduring relationship?Like the old saying,guess it's true,better to loved and lost then never loved at all.

We still love you it ain't your fault

I never had anything against yankees.Fact is I love a few of them.So they talk funny or say that I do.There is a test us Southern folk give to people that we just ain't sure of where they come from.It is a simple word but tells so much about one.There is a 4 legged animal with a tail that goes bow wow.You answer that little quiz and if I could hear you it would be know to all where you come from.If you answered correctly the answer should have been dawg,but if you said doggg immediately I would have you pegged as one from north of the Mason Dixon line in other words a yankee.So friends I know all can't be blessed being born way down here but there is still hope just come on down you will be welcomed and loved.