Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I miss Mike.

Mike was a 1st cousin of mine.

6 years older than me I looked up to him as my big brother.He always let me tag along with him treating me like a big guy.

He called me a few years ago.A long chat we had talking about our family and old times.

Never did he mention he had the Haynes family curse of cancer.Like so many in our family it seems like the big C would take him out.

It has struck my generation now with several cousins passing away from it.

I had a dream about Mike and cousins Fred and Frank,brothers, all have passed on.Mike and Fred the same age and Frank and me separated by a month in age.

For some reason they came for me and a trip we took in that dream.

Way it is

A little ole Lady cruised up to me in her wheelchair the other day and asked if I knew Jesus.

Yes I answered and she said tell me about Him.The Son of God Jesus is and He died on the cross for our sins.

Then she asked another resident if he knew Jesus and was he a preacher.

Satisfied she wheeled on her way.

The next day she made her rounds to where we were sitting and asked the resident who was asked if he was a preacher if he was a judge this time.

Yesterday she asked what I was doing.Watching TV was my answer.Why she asked.Because it's there.Are you there, asking are you here?

I think so was my answer.

Now this little ole Lady is usually in a state of undress.You just don't look keeping eye contact at all times.

Piano man is banging on the Steinway singing I say a little prayer for you.Please do I need it the full moon is getting closer.

Take my hand lead me on is heard down the hall but that is the only line of the song she knows.

Last but greatest someone brought me pinto beans,cabbage and cornbread.Those pintos won't make it till lunch cause I'm snacking on them off and on.

As Walter Cronkite would say"that's the way it is Tuesday June 10th 2014" at the old folks home.

Stay tuned.