Saturday, November 17, 2012

"What a Wonderful World" The Flaming Lips

Don't bite the hand that feeds ya

History repeats it's self again.Listening to the news and during a couple of conversations lately people are talking about in all 50 states people have signed papers wanting to succeed from the Union.

Hold on a minute.Let me think.Didn't that happen a few years ago back in the 1860's?

If I remember right it did not work out all that great.It resulted in a little thing called the CIVIL WAR.

I think it's all just symbolic.No one in their right mind wants to leave the protection of this great country called the United States.

I have heard that Georgia is about broke least that is what the politicians say when funding for education and health come up so how in the world do these people think things in their life will be better by suceeding.

Some people never learn.Don't bite the hand that feeds ya.

Guess that old saying is true,those that don't learn history are bound to repeat it.