Thursday, September 26, 2013

Maybe cool


Far be it me to bust your bubble.

That new car you just bought.

It won't make you cool,pretty,sexy or popular.

It will just make you in debt.

Well maybe cool.

Plucking feathers

Dang this pillow.

I think I'm allergic to it.The latex covering anyway.

Yesterday the pillow case came off and I noticed when my face touched the bare pillow my face would tingle and itch.

Maybe that's what causing these blotches on my face.

I went online to Walmart looking for an old fashioned feather pillow like I always used but no luck didn't see one.

Guess I will have to swipe some chickens and pluck their feathers if someone will sew me up a pillow case.


I like bacon.Bet you do also.

Fried bacon.Microwaved bacon.

Wrap it in bacon.

I can eat bacon like most folks eat popcorn.

Then there is sausage,pork chops fried please,ham country ham oh boy BBQ ribs shoot me now they good!

Pulled BBQ sandwiches with Brunswick stew and Wise potatoes chips and no matter what people say Brunswick stew originated in Brunswick,Georgia.
Thick sliced,peppered thick sliced bacon.

Bacon bacon bacon.

But did you know pigs are smart really intelligent animals?

Remember Arnold from Green Acres?

In my humble opinion Arnold should have had his own show like Lassie.

I can see it now,Arnold to the rescue,follow Arnold there is danger little Timmy has gotten himself in big trouble again.

Pigs are smarter than dogs,cats even horses.

And we eat'em.

Think I know why.

Baby piglets are so cute and cuddly.

But when they grow up they loose that cuteness.

They get big and fat no fuzzy hair and go oink oink and love to roll in mud.

That's why dogs,cats and even horses (well sometimes horses do that canned beef from Argentina I'm suspicious of) don't end up on the table they figured out how to keep their cuteness.

Bacon.I like it.

If pigs could just get that cuteness thing down right we might be having some other meat for breakfast.

Possums.Did you know possum's are really smart and intelligent...