Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Things I've learned the hard way

Don't pick up a hot lawn mower muffler.
Don't swallow your Bull of the Wood chewing backy on a hot summer day.
Women don't think like men.
Your tongue will stick to ice.
Sliding off a barn on your belly hurts.
Watch out for clothes lines when riding your bike.
Never sass your Momma.
Eating a bag of butter scotch candy in one sitting don't work.
Don't go hunting with a drunk man.
Not everyone should be trusted.
You can over do a good thing.
Hot grits stick to roof of your mouth.
Don't spin around 10 times then blow hard on your thumb.
Don't fall into a dye pond.
Snakes like swimming holes.
BB gun shootouts hurt.
You can't fly.

Small Coke with ice

Small coke in bottle with ice.Brown's on the corner of Fourth Avenue and Juniper street here in LaGrange back when I was a kid is where you could find them.

On those hot summer days when the pavement would scorch your bare feet if you didn't keep moving.

Open the door on your left stood the old fashioned Coke ice box.Open it up and that box filled with ice and melted ice water that would freeze your hand if left in it to long.

                                                       Nothing was more cooling in the days before AC than that except maybe that burst of cold air you got when opening the ice cream freezer.

Years ago when Coke messed up and change the old flavor(or was that a brilliant marketing ploy)a spokesman for them said there was no difference in a small coke and the larger bottles.But everyone knows the small bottle Cokes tasted stronger and better.

So Coke brought out Classic coke.The old flavor and the world was once again good and happy.

Right now a Coke with ice inside from Brown's on the corner sure would be nice.Maybe add a bag of salty Tom's peanuts along with it.Don't get much better than that.