Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Night time

I could easily slip away to where ever our minds and souls go when sleeping tonight.It would be no big struggle.

The big window is open and cool fresh air is seeping in.The night sky is black no stars seen.The smell of rain somewhere fills my senses.

Leaning back on the bed in a pitch dark room with headphones on the world around me is shut out.The troubles of others and the world pass me by tonight.

This is my time.Night time.Time to think.Or not if I so choose.

Burning bridges

Burning bridges
Forgetting past
Some things
Never last

Duel in the sky...

Duel in the sky.Laying here in my comfy electrified bed looking out the big window something catches my eye.

7 large hawks being chased by 1 lone small bird.

I can only guess why this aerial duel is taking place.Maybe the hawks are raiding the nest taking the young spring babies of the smaller bird.

Maybe it's a game of chase,you are it,a bird version of tag.

What ever the reason for this game I fear it's one of life and death.

Got his story

January 28 1986.Florida.Cape Canaveral.

The weather is cold.

The space shuttle Challenger sits on the launch pad ready for take off.

A crew of 7 waits aboard.

At 11:38 am 73 seconds into the flight.......

Most know the story.

At that time I had a 10 foot satellite dish in my backyard.

My favorite thing to watch was behind the scene news broadcast.

One network which will remain nameless for a few reasons was broadcasting.The "A-Team" was on the air.

The anchor who was the network's nightly news anchor was speaking off camera microphone still open.

Launch of Challenger had been delayed because of ice on the fuel tanks.

When will this "turkey fly" the well known news anchor remarked.Behind the scenes there was talk of problems the shuttle was facing on this very cold day in Florida.

What was said next I still remember so well.Someone said it could blow up.

"Now that would be a story" Mr. Anchorman replied.

It did blow up.7 people died.Their families lost loved ones.The nation mourned.

But Mr. Anchorman got his story.