Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gets into your blood

Just give me an old Heathkit HW 16 and a shiny copper 80 meter dipole .Thrown in a Brown Brothers straight key.A handful of crystals.Give me a rainy cold winters night and I could have some fun.

I built one of these radio in the 1970's.Drove to the Heathkit store in Sandy Springs Ga. one Saturday and got the last one they had in stock.

I was in a rush and built the radio in one night.A week project the manual said.Needless to say a few problems where had.Mostly cold solder joints.

My amateur radio call sign is WA4PFG.Since 1976 that was who I was known as on the radio.This was the days before personal computers and cell phones.Back in the dark ages.

Many a Friday night I would rush home from work to play on the radio.Using that dit dah morse code talking with people around the globe was easy.

I don't ham very much these days but like the old saying it gets into your blood.Once a ham always a ham.Long as I don't forget to renew my license every 10 years guess always I will be one.

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