Sunday, July 8, 2012

I want a ride !

New video offers a remarkable space trip for those grounded by reality

Tales from the big window

Tales from the big window.Not much is going on which is ok with me.Lazy day I just stayed in bed.Thursday around midnight a thunder boomer woke me up with some of the hardest rain I've seen lately.Sheets of rain and the road was like a little pond and cars where causing rooster tails pushing the water out of the way.It was a fast and hard rain and most likely won't help peoples gardens.What we need is a slow soaking all day rain.The thunder and lighting was nice.The 4th was a good day.BBQ,baked beans and watermelon.Can you say (I Ate To Much).Later round dark I watched the fireworks from the big window.All said and done I really can't complain.