Monday, July 9, 2012

Made by elves

Everyone has a dream or fantasy.

Some dream of money,love or fame.Mine is a bit more simpler and down to earth.

I think.

Here goes,my deepest darkest desire of my heart.

I like cookies.Chocolate chip cookies the hard kind.Dunk them in my coffee or buttermilk and talk of something good.

Daily the Keebler cookie truck passes by my window.Keebler you remember are the cookies made by elves.

My fantasy is this.The cookie truck stops on the road in front of me.The driver gets out looks up the road then down the road and looks in my direction waves and smiles.

He walks to the back of the big cookie truck and opens it up.Again he looks around seeing if he is being noticed and waves at me again.Inside the truck he disappears and shortly returns.

In his hands I see it.

A case of Keebler made by elves chocolate chip cookies just made for dunking.He points to me and then runs to the big bush by the roadside.

There Mr cookie man leaves his prize.A whole case of Keebler chocolate chip cookies just for me.

Now I just need someone to run down to the big bush by the road and claim my prize.I will gladly share with you.

Just wait till the Mr coffee truck passes and leaves us some Folgers original roast coffee.

Like magic

Nighttime can be the worse time it seems.I'm talking about pain.What ever the reason and I'm sure there is one, pain or any kind of sickness is worse at night when you are trying to sleep.Blessed is me because pain has skipped me for most of my life till recently.My feet.They hurt.It feels like my heels are digging into the bed and they must be because I have rubbed spots on them.And my ankles are the same way.It is not the worst pain but when trying to sleep it's just enough to keep me awake.Here at the home,Twin Fountains, the wound nurse has me wearing these boots that are helping alot.They are big elephant feet looking things that wrap around your feet like a big comfy pillow.Before I was wearing what I called my Herman Munster boots.They where also like braces for keeping my legs straight.If you have ever stepped into a red ant nest you know what my pain is like.Being a diabetic I have to be careful with my feet.Wounds don't heal good sometimes and that can lead to big problems.So this would be a good research problem for the scientists out there maybe they can figure out why pain is worse at night.Let the sun rise and like magic the pain disappears.