Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Why I wonder

Some things I don't understand.I just seen a man jogging down the road.Maybe it was up the road.It is cold.This man was wearing a hoodie but also short pants.I notice the mail man or mail person doing the same thing.Snow or ice on the ground they are all bundled up like normal people and yep you guessed it they will be wearing short pants.It's like wearing a belt with suspenders on your pants.Kinda defeating the purpose it seems.

Why I wonder.

While on the subject of jogging,years ago Daddy and me would be some where and a jogger would be seen.Daddy I would ask,why don't you start jogging.His answer was if they followed him around in the mill each day they wouldn't feel like jogging.

To be fair it's not only the joggers and mail people I wonder about sometimes.This morning temp was 30 degrees with a wind and what do I see? Some guy on his Harley put putting down the road.Maybe it was up the road.He had to be freezing.

But least he didn't have on short pants.