Monday, November 26, 2012

Freddy,Mike and Frankie dropped by

My cousins came by awhile back.Freddy,Mike and Frankie.It sure was good seeing them again.We took a little road trip us four.

I do remember we went to a club of some sorts.What and where it was kinda foggy to me.Best I can remember we where headed to Florida.In all honesty I can't say if we made it or not.I remember something about a hotel room and one of them saying he wanted the giant screen TV on the wall.I kinda remember something about going to a cafe and eating but what I had can't remember.

Guess this would be a good time to fill you in a bit about my cousins.Freddy died of a heart attack when he was about 45.Frankie ,my age died when he was 45 also in a motorcycle accident.Mike was 60 when he died of cancer just a few years ago.I'm now 60.

Yes it was just a dream but it sure was good seeing my cousins again.Come around anytime,we will take another trip.

Getting spooky

This is getting spooky.I wonder what in the world is going on.People keep seeing me places where I ain't.This has been going on all my life.People will swear they see me and honest it wasn't me.

I'm starting to question my sanity.Recently someone said they seen me walking out the door.Well wish it had been me(I'm in a wheelchair)looked just like you they said.

I first noticed this when as a kid people would say seen you at so and so but it wasn't me.It never bothered me till lately and I got to thinking.

A little secret I will share with you.When I was a little boy at night before falling to sleep I could for lack of a better word sorta float around the room if I wanted.If I thought about it I could do it easy.If remembering right this weird feeling would come over me like a vibration all over my body and my ears would start ringing and like I said float above the bed.

I had forgot about that till recently.I know about OBE out of body experiences.Was that what happened to me when I was a little boy?Is that going on now without me trying?I have no memory of it if the later is true.