Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Shadows on the wall

Glimpse of my past maybe.I see shadows on the wall.The fireplace is crackling and the smell of burning wood fills my senses.Staring at the glowing fire I am in deep thought.Trance like I stare.I catch myself doing that.What is it .Is it really a glimpse from my past or am I just daydreaming.It is like being hypnotized by the flickering lights on the wall.It does not scare me.Wish it could be taken further.See what it's all about.Maybe my past or maybe something else.I just want to know.

Old red truck

One of these days I am going to write about Daddy's old truck.I have pictures and will add them to the story.1984 Ford F150 it was called an Explorer back then.Red with a silver top.Georgia Bulldog colors.Silver stripe down the side.It was the only new vehicle he ever bought.His retirement truck he called it.He had this thing about money.He liked spending it and Momma didn't.Many a time he would tell me no need for your Momma to know how much this cost.Best I can remember she did not say anything about his new truck.Maybe she was lost for words.When he died in 1991 the truck only had 27,000 miles on it.He only drove it to work.Maybe to Macon a few times or the big farmers market in Atlanta.The first time it was washed I did it.Leave it with me Daddy I will wash it.He fell for it I just wanted to drive around a bit in his new truck.I did wash it.I was in the bed of the truck and it was all soapy and wet and whoops down I went.Fell hard.This is true.Every time I drove the truck to Alabama something would happen to it.Once it caught on fire with me.Leaves down in the cowl of the truck burst into flames.Made it home but it would not crank so had it pulled in.Water pump went out on one trip.Transmission on another trip.I wrecked the truck twice.First time it was totaled by insurance company.I told them I wanted the truck fixed and they did.Gosh I had it painted solid red and talk about pretty that old truck turned heads.More than once a pretty woman would come up to me and say nice truck !After the second wreck which by the way where not my fault the old truck never did drive quite right but that was ok.It was Daddy's and that was all that mattered.Like I said there is a picture here of it and soon maybe I will add it to this story.Oh I almost forgot the moral of the story.What ever happened to me when driving tho old truck it always got me home.Kinda like Daddy and the old truck where watching out for me.That is what I like to think anyway.


Most likely today in history is forgotten.I asked a younger person if they know what December 7th was.Their answer was it's Tuesday.Well guess they where right it is Tuesday.Seems that day that will live in infamy did not.1941 about 7am,Hawaii,Pearl Harbor.Now do you remember?

It is sad

I have no earth shattering news today.A cold day but sun is out.Least there is no snow like some are having.I know,in my old age I'm a fuddle duddle.Don't care for the snow,glad when the Holidays will be over.Yea ! Things back to normal what ever normal is.Snow is like life.It's pretty at first then it melts and is an ugly mess.Piled up on the side of the road mixed with dirt and trash.That is the way alot of us sorry to say will end up.Not piled up on the roadside but put away.Put up out of view,out of sight out of mind sorta.Things are not like they use to be.Families took care of each other.Now if you can't keep up off to the nursing home they send you.It is the best thing for ole so and so,they will be better off ole so and so will.Right.Fool yourself.Say it long enough and you will convince yourself that the right thing was done.A throw away person.Thrown away like a newspaper that is ragged and used up.Like a old pair of shoes.It is sad.