Thursday, October 10, 2013

Big rock

Maybe it's out there right now.

Lurking,waiting, hiding, unseen.

A big ole chunk of rock,an asteroid headed toward us.

The one that will take out planet Earth.

I wonder if the governments of the world knew this was going to happen at some point in time and there was no chance of stopping it or getting out of it's way,unsurvivable destruction would they tell us?

I think not.

What will be the purpose of telling us.Nothing but panic and terror would follow.

The kindest most humane thing to do is just let people go about their lives un suspecting any thing is wrong then.....BAM!

That's all she wrote you are dead.

Like I always say it's not what the government tells you that one should worry about but what they don't.

Down around Macon,Georgia

Sad state of affairs this country going through.

This government shutdown might get serious.

I'm reminded of the Civil War.Folks thought it was going to be a party and last only a few days.It lasted what 4 years.

The country was devastated especially down here it the South where people had to start over from scratch and rebuild.

Reports of soldiers killed in battle their families not receiving death benefits has surfaced.Day care for kids closed.This and that.

If this country defaults on it's bills everyone will suffer.You me all of us.

I joke about finding a clean pasteboard box to live in under a bridge some where but you know what if there are no Social Security checks coming in I won't be living here at the old folks home cause they will shut down.

I'm picking out a bridge today because I take nothing for granted.

Thank you Mr and Mrs Politician.

Your dedication to this country and it's people is appreciated.

Yeah right if you believe that I got some ocean front property for sale down around Macon,Georgia.