Saturday, November 24, 2012

Never learn

Pit cooked BBQ.Pig in the ground.Sure sounds good on this cold fall afternoon.With some good Brunswick stew don't get much better than that.

I have heard that pigs are really intelligent.Smarter than dogs,cats and lot more than a horse.And what do we do? We eat them.Bacon and sausage that honey baked ham on Christmas.On and on.

Even the Bible tells us not to eat the pig.Unclean animal.Jesus cast out demons from a man and caused them to enter pigs who then run off a cliff killing them self

Seems we will never learn.

The urge

I have something to say.What is unknown at the moment.At times something just comes over me and I have this need ,urge or whatever you call it to put something down in words.

Almost like being thirsty and you need that drink of cool water.Or being hungry and what you eat doesn't satisfy.It's not enough what you have wrote.There is a hunger for something better.

I have that need now but what it is I have no idea.It's gnawing at me like a rat chewing it's leg off that is caught in a trap.

Ask and you shall receive

Not to proud to beg for food.It started Tuesday.Half way kidding I started asking people who where going to cook Thanksgiving dinner for some deviled eggs.I got a couple of takers and promise of more to come.

Clean out the fridge cause it's going to be loaded down with those delicious tasty snacking deviled eggs.Also I have been asking for homemade chili.Chances are pretty good I think that will happen soon.

Don't worry I'm not being hoggish cause my plan is to share.If you know anyone who knows how to make a congealed salad let them contact me.That is another Southern delicacy we folks have on holidays down here.I'm also partial to red velvet cake.

Ask and you shall receive is my motto.