Thursday, February 14, 2013


Salmon and biscuits
I just got
Homemade fried taters
Not them tots

It was so good
Way Momma fried them
Life is great
Here in da hood

So Ms Cheetos
Do this for me
Hug Your Husbands neck
I'm writing him a big ole check

Just give me time
To get out of town
My checks seem to
Bounce all around

Judge Jury Excutioner

This rogue cop thing out in California is well, interesting.I wonder what the real story is and what really happened the other day when maybe they think he was killed in a fire,accidental fire I hear.

I know he is accused of killing 4 people but something just don't seem right.Just my opinion.Everyone has one of those.But in this day and age just because someone in authority said it's this way not that way doesn't make it absolute truth.

I understand the police out there where mad,their comrades had been killed by the hands of one of their own.I understand they where scared.Who wouldn't be when someone who is very capable has threaten to kill them.

Hope the real truth and nothing but the truth comes out in the following days.

Here is your hug

Valentine Day can be a cruel thing.I remember back when in grade school on this day and Valentine cards where given out.Thinking back some kids didn't get a card.That had to hurt their feelings.

So if that was you back then I'm sorry and here is a big hug from me on this Valentine's Day.