Sunday, June 22, 2014

A small rumble building in intensity

 As our day comes to an end here at the home I hear a small rumble starting to build in intensity.

I want to go to bed,over,over,over and over this little pint size woman is repeating.

I got sea sick again by watching the remote controller of the all mighty TV just switch from one channel to the next.

I was amazingly shocked by one of my roomies this morning when they got him up for breakfast he didn't use that blank blank word taking the Lord's name in vain.

Well we still have bed time for him coming up soon so the verdict on whether he can get through the day without cussing out the CNA we will just have to wait and see.

They must have put that Lady to bed,don't hear her now,all is quiet ,sorta at the old folks home.

For now.

Act of kindness

I witnessed something good.

Saturday night/Sunday morning a week ago about 1 am kindness of the 1st degree was seen.

My roommate Mr B is not doing very well at all.

He has just about forgone eating.Maybe a spoon full of food a week and that's it.Insure drinks are keeping him alive I think.His voice is so weak I can't understand much of what he is saying.Mr B will be 97 August 17th if...

Back to that night spoken of.His blood pressure was taken and it was extremely low.I guess it was presumed he was 1 leg in this world 1 leg in another.

The act of kindness and compassion.

A nurse,Ms Theresa pull up a chair next to his bed and just sat there holding his hand,speaking softly to him.I was deeply touched by that act of human caring and kindness.

When my time comes I sure hope there is someone to hold my hand.

Dumbed down

You hit me to hard.He called me a name.I'm going to tell...

Now this is not 6 year old kids I'm talking about but 300 pound 6 ft 7 inch tall professional football players.

I kid you not.

The past few seasons of professional football has reduced the game played by rough tough men into players who want to be playing tag instead of tackle football.

I wonder what the old school players of seasons gone by would think of this mumbo jumbo stuff called football that's being played today.

Knute Rockne is spinning in his grave I bet.

And another thing I wish them sissified over grown pampered boys would stop that habit of skipping around like little girls playing hop scotch when they do something spectacular.

Football like Ham Radio has been dumbed down so far it's not fun any more.

You know what...I'm gonna take my ball and leave and Momma will hear of this.

I see money

Just like that little guy in the movie The Sixth Sense who saw dead people I also see people not dead ones but I see people with money.

Now that summer is here and the living is easy from my window I've noticed something.

People or some of them have got lots of extra spendable cash.

Just seen a new pickup truck pulling a big ole red and white boat.Not a little aluminium bass boat but a double decker type cruiser I guess it could be called.You could live on it with luxury for sure.

Everyday I see big fancy motorcycles Harley types all decked out in beautiful paint and chrome.Just about every other vehicle passing by my window is a Harley and those things ain't cheap.

Things have changed since I was scurrying up and down ladders with a 3 inch pipe on my shoulder at the mill.Don't get me wrong the money was good,you could survive but there was none left over for these nice things people have now.

Guess Daddy was right again when he said the more money you make the more you spend.

Plus having a large spending limit on your credit card helps.


My plan for today
Like the song do say
Don't worry be happy
Won't let anyone take it away

Even though world full of strife
Won't let it guide my life
Your choice make it good or bad
I prefer happy over sad