Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Please come quick

Laying here thinking.

The trumpets blown by Gabriel I thought was heard.For a second or so I thought this is it.What all believers wish for.Those that believe in God and His son Jesus Christ who died for me you and rose from death to live again.

Thinking that I wish for that day.

The Rapture.

The second coming of my Lord Jesus Christ.

The dead in Christ shall rise from their grave joining Him in the sky.

Then all else shall follow for judgement.

I don't want to sleep in my grave for years not even a day.

I wish for the Rapture.

Please my Lord Jesus Christ come quick.

Thank you

Daily I get two insulin shots for my diabetes.

It's just a habit but after each shot I tell the nurse thank you.

I got to thinking.

It just doesn't sound right saying thank you to someone who sticks your arm with a sharp pointed needle.

At times it hurts.

So I thought of this.

Instead of thank you I just say your concern is appreciated.

Much better I think.


The Bible.
I take each word literally as God's.
No room for opinion.
Interpretation not needed.
Other's viewpoints not accepted.
If I fail to live by each single word that is written I'm wrong
I am a sinner saved by the Grace of God.
End of discussion.

Be happy your word for today !

Jogging in a jar

Those joggers are out in force this morning after being shut in with all the rain of late.

Running up and down the road they are and it's wearing me out.

I want to open the window and shout out take a break go eat a cheeseburger and fries.

My Aunt Lema use to jog.She drank this stuff called"jogging in a jar",it was prune juice.Hope I don't have to explain that.