Friday, August 6, 2010

Georgia is my home

Georgia is known for several things.Peanuts,peaches,pimentos, pine trees.I guess the most famous thing or most memorable would be Jimmy Carter.Lots of movies have been made here.Fried Green Tomatoes was one.The Green Berets with John Wayne was filmed was filmed down the road at Fort Benning.Several times I have seen film crews in town with their big lights and trucks filming something.Georgia has mountains in the north Atlantic Ocean to the east and the flat farm land in the southern part of the state.I live in whats called west central Georgia,right on the Georgia/Alabama state line.I was born about 3 blocks away in what was called then City County Hospital.Some of the original hospital still stands but now it is called West Ga Medical Center.Do you remember years ago when you walked into a hospital that smell?The smell of alcohol and ether.I had my tonsils taken out when I was 7 years old and was put to sleep with ether.I remember the smell and being so sick when waking up.The night before it all happen Mom was staying with me in the hospital room.I was restless and crying.A nurse came in and was to give me a shot but I got her crying,my Mom was crying cause I hated shots.So both women where crying along with me.Then it happened.All I remember was a large woman walked into the room and without saying a word rolled me over and stuck me with a needle.So I got my shot.So I know I have strayed off the subject but Georgia is my home,some like it some don't but it is home where I was borned and most likely where I will die.

Lost and found

Have you ever noticed that the french fry that you find in the bag seems to be the best one of all?You know the last one in the bag the one you find after everything else in the bag has been eaten.Then you find one last fry that was hiding.It will be the best .Same way with peanuts.Have you ever run your hands down in the couch hunting for something and find a peanut in the shell,one that escaped the last time you where snacking on them.I guarantee it will be tasty.Maybe this is just a story for a lot of things in life.Maybe I'm writing about things lost and found again.But really I'm just writing about finding that last forgotten fry in the bag.

Keeping peace

Why can't people just get along.I have always went out of my way trying to keep peace.I think some people just want to act like little bratty kids.Oh well what ever makes you happy is what one should do.Many times I have bit my tongue just hoping I would let it go and not say something that later would come back to haunt me.Hope I don't bite my tongue off one day.In my old age I am trying my best to give people room and just let them fume or whatever they do.I just think some people are just rude big mouths and that is their problem not mine.

Juniper Street

I remember when living on Juniper street during summer we had no AC no one did back then.We slept with the doors and windows open yes open.Can you do that these days?Maybe the 50's where different.I never heard of things then like now.Crime is expected ,violence and just plain awful behavior is the norm.Maybe the time of hula hoops and Howdy Doody where the good old days.