Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Things I like

Things I like.
Puppies and kittens.
Watermelon on a hot summer day.
Hamburgers cooked with charcoal.
Old cars.
Old houses.
Old people.
Old blue jeans.
Old dogs and cats.
Genuine friendly people.
Fresh cut lawns.
Walking through the dew covered grass early in the morning.
Summer rain.
Thunder storms if the power stays on.
Just sitting and a thinking.
Sitting and thinking go better with a porch swing.
Seeing someone you really want to see.
Sound of the wind flowing through pine trees.
Smell of burning leaves on a cool fall afternoon.
You sometimes just teasing.

My theory on broccoli

Seems like everyone is against something or another.I won't be a hypocrite there are a few things I'm against and don't like myself.

I never liked working the morning shift.To many bosses always hanging around.Seems they where always trying to look busy watching you work.

I've noticed maybe you have also this.If you have 10 people and 1 hole to be dugged there will always be 1 man a digging and 9 a watching that hole being dugged.I think the city of LaGrange,Georgia has a copyright on that little deal.

I was also anti early mornings school times.My reason being it always interfered with my sleep.School should start in my humble opinion around 3ish each day.

I'm very anti broccoli,cauliflower and any thing ,vegetable or meat steamed.Do the world a favor by not filling up the trash dumps of the world with that junk.I even think people eating broccoli is why there is a hole burnt in the ozone layer and the cause of this global warming thing.

I have no way of proving this but that is my theory on broccoli.