Tuesday, October 1, 2013

My twin has been found

Once we had a roommate across from my bed.He said often at night after waking up in the early hours of the morn with sleepy eyes looking over at me in peaceful slumber fear would would consume him like a dark blanket covering him.

At the time my hair was long and I had an shaggy beard.

My friend and roomie with his sleepy eyes would for a brief second think it was Charles Manson the mass murder across from him.

So out of the blue I got my hair cut GI style (one step from a buzz cut)and shaved my beard off.

Now I'm Mister clean cut.

Now for the other side of the story.

I was just looking on one of those ancestry web site playing around killing time when I seen it.

I found my long lost twin brother.

Me yes, I now have kin folk of my own.I'm so happy of my new found family.

We are identical twins down to the very last hair on our heads.Identical I say.

There is one big difference.My twin has a talent.

He can play the banjo and was in a movie several years ago called Deliverance.

Yes now I have kin.A brother.Twin brother.

Face in a cloud

Like a face in a cloud.
Sand in water.
A leaf blown by the wind.
Some people disappear from our life.

Kinda rhymes with Bubba

It's a good thing this is a no adult content blog.

There is a certain middle eastern country(kinda rhymes with Bubba) that I won't even mention by name that is screwy and messed upped.

I can't write what I'm really thinking but just say I would never use these words around Momma.

A teacher here in Georgia answered an ad for a teaching position in said middle eastern country(kinda rhymes with Bubba).He was accepted and off he went to his new job.

Now for the shocker.

Our teacher had a stroke at birth and the stroke left him with a limp and limited use of one arm.No fault of his own just bad luck I would say.

Now this so called needing foreign teachers most likely cause their people are  dumb butts and can't teach country(kinda rhymes with Bubba) takes one look at our Georgia teacher and fires him on the spot.

That so called middle eastern country(kinda rhymes with Bubba) said because of his limp it would scare the children.Seems they are not accustomed to people with handicaps.

My humble opinion is this.Those children are going to have more problems than being frighten by someone with a limp or any other type of disability.

Might be that all that Royal inbreeding has finally caught up with them.

What if

I was 14 years old sitting on a Church pew listening to a preacher one Sunday morning.

What he said shocked me and never have I forgot.

If a so and so walked in his yard he would God forgive for saying this his words where KILL him.

I will let you figure out who so and so was.

At that young age I knew what the preacher said was wrong.Not Christian.

I'm sorry to say maybe it changed my view on Church and Church people some.

From what little I know of the part of the world where Jesus was from some of the people can be black as a piece of coal.

Maybe Jesus himself was black.

Chances are pretty good that describes what Jesus looks like and not the blond blue eyed man we see in all the paintings.

Now I just had an idea.

What if cameras where available back then and we had a real picture of what Jesus looked like surfaces.

What if Jesus was black?

The attitudes of many people would be changed.


They at it again partners.

Them Washingtonians.

Those folks that are elected by the people for the people they playing again.

Playing with peoples lives.

Shutdown day for the Government is here.

Those pesky Democrats and Republicans.

They act like cowboys of old time duking it out on the hill.

A shootout.

But they won't suffer,they never do.

No blood will they shed.

The Citizens will .