Thursday, October 9, 2014

The dream

I was sleeping so good today,that drugged out deep sleep,rejuvenating type when someone spoke my name and in a jerk woke me up.

Dreaming about Daddy,seeing,talking with him once more.

It was peaceful and wish I could go back.

August 2003,Momma had died a few days earlier on July 23.I was tired,dead tired after years of sleepless nights.

Anyone who has been a caretaker for someone with dementia knows what I'm taking about.

I was Momma's promising to keep her home and I did.For seven years I watched her waste away.To her I wasn't her son,not John just that man as she called me.

Back to that August day.In my cool bedroom I layed down just for a short nap.

Dreaming about Momma and Daddy,trying to find their graves but no where could they be found.

Running through the graveyard searching almost at a panic.

I came upon an old rundown house and why I don't know inside I went.Dimly lit,I seen several men in suits motioning to me silently,smiling.

Slowly walking towards them what I seen terrified me.

One or two coffins I can't remember were in the dimly lit room.

Slowly they opened the top of one of the coffins,I knew what was inside,I didn't want to see.

In a panic I started running till I woke up.

On that hot outside August day I was freezing,shaking uncontrollably.

I had to walk out of the house and stand in warming sun till I stopped shaking.