Monday, April 9, 2012

The warning

Outside yesterday I noticed a crow chasing a hawk in the sky.Maybe the crow was protecting it's young or space.The hawk for the most part just ignored the crow and went on it's merry way.The crow was determined.Another thing seen recently was a bluejay and an hawk almost having a mid air collision.The bluejay I swear turned around and gave chase.They have no fear it seems and will fight anything.Across the road there is a wooded area.Something broke the quietness of the day with several loud hoops.All I could think of was it must have been an owl.Once at the old home place on the back porch late at night with Sam and Pee Wee the cats I noticed they had become very quite and where staring at something.Then I seen it.It was an large owl sitting on the neighbors clothes line staring towards us.For a long time it just stayed not making a sound looking at me and the cats.Then with ruffling of it's wings it flew off.I never mentioned it to anyone.Reason was the next day My Dad was going into the hospital for lung surgery.I have heard that owls can be bad omens.I think maybe this one was or maybe it was there to warn me of things to come.