Sunday, October 13, 2013

Redneck Rappin

Manly sport played by manly men

Watching the Pink Pansies playing the Skip-a-doos today on TV.

Boy oh boy football sure has changed.

I thought football had sunk to new low levels when they did that buttock slapping hop scotch skipping thing.

Nothing makes my skin feel creepy more than seeing a 7 foot 350 pound manly boy doing a John Travolta disco dance in the end field after a touchdown.

Today I noticed another troubling trend.

Players taking a sliding fall to avoid being creamed on a tackle by Big Bubba.I hope it was a slide not just laying down giving up.

Football was once a manly sport played by manly men.

But things have changed.

Least we still have NASCAR.

It has started

If you are reading this we didn't make it.

The Rapture.

I seen Jesus in the eastern sky.Gabriel blowing his trumpet.Angels following him their wings beating loudly making a rushing sound.

The dead in Christ have rose from their graves meeting him in the sky.I seen crowds of people just disappear in the blinking of an eye.

Only those of us with little faith and the non believers remain.

Our Hell on Earth has started.

Wait....there is still time!