Sunday, April 15, 2012


It was a nightmare.Shortly after my Mom died I was dreaming.It was hot summer time August.I dreamed I was at the graveyard but I could not find Momma's and Daddy's grave.I searched all over to the point of exhaustion.I was panicking.Running where I don't remember I ended up at some type of house.In the house there where people,men in suits.Who they where I know not.They led me into a room,a dark room.Then I seen it! Two caskets.Smiling,pointing towards the closed caskets they started to open one.I freaked out and ran away.I did not want to see.Then I woke up shaking I was freezing so cold that I had to go outside and stand in the sun just to warm up.I told someone about this nightmare and they said it meant that my folks where not there,their souls had moved on.

Something stupid

One night back at the old home place I did something really stupid.I'm always doing something not to bright but this was something else.Laying in bed half asleep I heard some type of commotion outside.It was someone walking down the street just a cussing.Who he was fussing with I didn't see.A car slowly drove pass him and stopped in front of the house next door.The guy walking really picked up his fussing and cussing then and stated making all kinds of threats to the folks in the car.Then it happened.Just as the guy walking made it in front of the house 3 guys jumped out of the car and started shooting.Their guns where blazing fire and with each shot they jumped into the air like it was a cartoon,animated it was all in slow motion.The guy walking then ran,where I have no idea and disappeared.Now this is the stupid part.I just stood there in the door and didn't even think to duck,run or get out of the way.The shots had to come my direction but where they landed is a mystery.The guy walking was not shot,the house wasn't hit,I wasn't either.Where did the bullets go I have wondered.Either the shots where blanks or God was watching over us all that night.