Wednesday, August 8, 2012

One of those days

Oh boy what can I say.Everybody is just sitting around looking like their best friend has died.Like the butter has fallen off their biscuit.Like their dog ran off with the mailman or something as bad.Is there a full moon tonight I wonder?Maybe it just one of those days.Bet you have a few like this yourself every so often

The hum drums.Bored outta your gourd type of day.The blues.A day where watching grass grow or paint drying on the wall would be a more exciting type of day.

First to cry

The first to cry.That was me.54 years ago,6 years old,1st grade,Southwest Elementary,Ms.Porter my teacher.

School had been on for a few months when this happened.Some background info.I had been hit in the eye with a rock thrown by a older neighborhood kid by accident least I hope it was.Off to the doctor I was taken and the eye was patched up and I looked like a pirate.

Sitting in class it started hurting,aching and I cried.Ms.Porter made the comment I was the first to cry in class that year.Embarrassed I was but it could not be helped.I was in pain.

What brought all this back was today is the first day of school and I overheard someone talking about their little boy's first day at school.

Sun in face

On a chopper I go riding
Great being free
From no one I'm hiding
Way it should be
Never same road I travel
Just stay off roads of gravel
My idol Then Came Bronson TV show
Fueled my need to go
Sun in face
Wind to back
Gone forever
Not a trace
Left to see
Way I want it to be

Dog days

Dog days.I never fully understood what dog days are.Momma would always tell me don't walk in the morning dew barefooted during dog days.The reason being if you had a cut or something similar on your foot it would get infected easy.Another explanation I've heard is that during dog days it's so hot that dogs go crazy with the heat.

So what ever the reason it's called dog days I think it is going on now.Sounds like a little investigating on the internet should be done.Think I will.