Friday, April 27, 2012

I never picked cotton

I have been blessed enough to never pick cotton.Fact is I've only seen 1 cotton field in my life and it was a small one that looked liked someone just grew it for looks.Different story for my parents and their generation.I know Momma talked of King Cotton can't remember if Daddy did.Momma said cotton was their cash crop.They had a working farm back up in the country.The whole family worked in the fields from the smallest on up.The cotton crop was sold and the cash from it was used to buy what ever they didn't grow.The Government payed them not to grow cotton at one time I guess because the market was flooded with it and prices where low.My generation is so spoiled most of us didn't have to grow what we ate.Farmers I hear are a dying breed of people because of the economy and big corporations buying up small farms.Like someone once said at your next meal thank a farmer for the food we are going to eat.