Thursday, November 11, 2010

I am so thirsty

I am so thirsty.I had a couple of diet drinks and coffee but my mouth feels like cotton.I want some OJ in crushed ice,that sounds so good.I can't have it.It does funny things to my blood sugar.It makes it go up or down one of the other.Last few times I had OJ boy oh boy.I was dizzy and a little wobbly and needed help walking so I don't drink it.Cold chocolate milk that would be good.Nope cant have it either.Ok how about a cold bottle of buttermilk.Cold buttermilk and chocolate chip cookies,the hard type.I really like buttermilk but there is so much salt in it that I'm sure it is bad for one.Gee you know just thinking about being thirsty is not helping.Well for supper it will be spaghetti and a salad but what to drink.I guess a diet drink in ice will do.Cranberry juice on ice is good and I like it plus good for you .I drink the diet version and I can kill a bottle in a day.Oh well this is not helping my thirst at all.

Leaves falling

Leaves falling.Crunching under my feet.Colors of red,gold and brown.Sitting under an old tree.Looking toward the sky.Colbalt blue with puffy white clouds.Only sound heard is the wind whistling and the cry of crows far away.Late afternoon.At dusk.Deer come out to feed and play.Peaceful and restful.No stress.No worries.Reflecting on the past.Memories bring smiles.Like a camera images are burned into my brain.

I was butt dialed

Have you ever been butt dialed by someone?You know.A cell phone in your pocket and it auto dials someone.I just had that happen to me.I answered the phone,car radio is on,hear them changing stations,no words are spoke,car cranks,sounds like they are eating potato chips,find out later it was vinegar and salt meat skins.My first thought was that something was wrong.Did they have a stroke or heart attack and could not speak.For 15 minutes I rode with them.I was shouting their name,whistling trying to get their attention but no use they did not hear me.Then silence and the phone went dead.So i dialed them back.They where dialing me.Then I explain my little trip with them. I was so glad they where ok.It was another of those modern things no one had to worry about 20 years ago.It was just a butt dialed call.

I lived before

Sometimes I get the feeling I have done this,seen this said this before.Yeah I know there is a word for it,the French word but I can't spell it and spell check is no help.But you know what I am talking about.Sometimes the feeling is like being gently slapped up side the head and the feeling comes over you.Other times it's subtle.This happens to me quite often.Someone will say something and I am took back to another time.I don't know if reincarnation is real or not.The bible says there is once to live and once to die so maybe that clears that up.But at times I get a feeling or vision of something that I have been through or lived it before.I just don't know .I'm not smart enough to say one way or the other.It is like glimspes of something ,things that happened before.Almost like watching sniplets on a TV screen of someone's life.Oh well I don't know where to go with this or how to get out of it but it is something to ponder when nothing else is going on.

Peaceful sleep takes over

I was sitting on the front porch yesterday.It was warm and sunny.The air smelled so good.Someone was cutting down a tree close by and the smell of the fresh cut wood was wonderful. I got a whiff of burning leaves.Oh my talk of delightful it was.I can close my eyes and see a big roaring camp fire.The wood crackling as it burns.Warmth from the fire.Can of chili cooking.Soda crackers waiting to be crumbled into a bowl.Wind blowing thru the pines.Swaying back and forth.Cool breeze blowing.Pulling my coat up around my neck.Belly now full.Warmth all over my body.Night sky dark.Stars shimmering.Peaceful sleep takes over.No dreams.

Killing the bear

What in the world can I write about today?Ok I will tell you about my dream last night.It was about me and a huge bear.Maybe a brown bear.Any way it was on the back porch.Not bothering anything or anyone.But why I did this I have no explanation for.I tried to kill the bear.I shot it over and over.It was not working.I felt guilty and remorseful just for trying to hurt the bear.Why did I start this I asked myself.I didn't want to hurt the bear.Then a baby bear a cub shows up on the porch.I let it out the door.I just remember have this dread and guilt of trying to kill the Momma bear.I was glad when I woke up and the dream was over.Do you think it means any thing?Or maybe it was the 3 grilled cheese and peperoni sandwhiches I had for supper with fries?Either way it was a bad feeling.