Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Do this for me?

How I want things to be.

They have been written on the bottom of a Krystal burger box and safely stored in a secure place at TFH.

Please follow these instructions.

When the time comes and I'm sure it will and I lose what sanity that is left please place me in a comfy rocking chair by the door or window.Occasionally stop by and give me a little push so my rocking will keep rocking.Wipe the drool from my mouth when needed.Please make sure I'm fed Krystal burgers and fries at least 3 times a week with a diet Dr Pepper.And most important keep hitting the replay button on my cassette player every 8 minutes so Stranglehold by Ted Nuget plays 24/7.

The old hag came for a visit

It happened last night again.

Twice since being at the OFH.

It terrifies me when it happens.

Some call it the Old Hag syndrome others sleep paralysis.It is a feeling of not being able to move or breathe.Like someone(the old hag)sitting on your chest.Some see visions or feel an intruder is in the room to harm them when going through these attacks for lack of another word.I see nothing myself only blackness.

It happens at the moment you fall asleep or wake up your half way between the two.

If you can just move a finger or wiggle a toe it can be stopped.

When I was a little kid it was almost a nightly thing for me too have these attacks.Also when I was a kid ,OBE's (out of body)where common for me,it's don't laugh,the feeling of leaving your body and floating around the room.

Thank God these attacks are not common for me now.