Sunday, September 22, 2013

Don't be silly

How I know I don't know.

Think me crazy if you must but it's going to happen.Sooner than later.

It will be at sunrise.My eyes still drooping with sleep.

Unexpected by most.Disbelieved by the rest.But it will happen.

It will come at a time when needed most.Especially me.At that early hour it will happen.

Yea yee be thankful the wait has been long.

My patience shall be rewarded.

Ready? I'm more than ready.

A glorious day has finally arrived.

Watching the parking lot with anticipation.

I see it!

Walking towards me.


Hands loaded with....

Sausage and biscuits and a medium cup of coffee from McDonald's.

What? You was expecting something else? UFO'S maybe?

Don't be silly.

There is no such thing.


1st day

Happy first day of fall to you!

I miss summer already.

A little bit.

Blame it on ...

Folks and their cell phones.

Addiction in the first degree.
Standing in line for hours to get the latest I phony contraption gizmo.

Watching ball games I notice the stands.People aren't paying attention to the game they are busy texting on their I phoneys.

Seen on the news where a guy that had just been shot being wheeled out on a stretcher and of all things he was texting.

Another video surfaced of a school bus driver caught texting while driving the kids.

Senator John McCain caught playing a game on his I phoney while the Pres is speaking.

A cop here in Georgia leads the nation in giving tickets to people texting while driving.800 so far this year and he plans to make it to 1000 by years end.

Ok I won't be a hypocrite.Several of these new fangled inventions I'm addicted to myself.It's pitiful but my life revolves around this computer.

See what Star Trek started with those pocket communicators they used on the TV series?

Blame it all on Captain Kirk and Spock.

And I can't leave without saying...beam me up Scotty.

We are animals

Man is the cruelest of animals.

Lord help us.

We never learn

Wars continue.

Crime,murder all sorts of violence every day in our homes,streets,towns.

We are the animals.