Sunday, December 2, 2012

No challenge was unthinkable

Shhhh! don't tell.It will be our little secret.Don't laugh ok.I have always had this dream or fantasy about space travel.When I was a kid at night turning the radio on to a static station pretending it was the roar of a rocket ship.I would drift off thinking how great it would be having my own little space craft that I could travel the know universe with.

I am a child of the space age.By this time my generation was to have flying cars like George Jetson.Launching space rockets off from Cape Canaveral was a big deal to people my age.

To this very day those old space movies of the 50's and 60's are sorta like comfort food to me.They bring pleasure and almost bring that bright eyed innocence back into my life.A time when things where possible no challenge was unthinkable.

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